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Lena was able to work undisturbed for near half an hour after someone had come back in to deliver the fresh cup of coffee to her. She was thankful for it as she really did need more coffee to get her mind in proper working order.

The next person to enter office after that was Samuel who brought breakfast with him. Lena noticed that he was holding two plates, but he answered before she could speak.

"I thought that I could join you for breakfast in here since no one is up yet to eat aside from Leo?" Samuel told her as he held out one of the plates to her.

"You could've eaten out there with him. I am sure that he would've appreciated the company." Lena replied as she took the plate from him. The food smelled good and from what she could tell, there were both sweet and savory ones on her plate.


"He probably would've, but I wanted to come in here because I know there are still a few things that we need to work out about this schedule and what's going on." He didn't want to tell her that his actually reason for wanting to avoid eating with Leo came from a previous comment the other had made that morning in regards to still 'being available' if Samuel ever decided to change his mind and not go through with the engagement to his sister.

He tried to tell himself that it was probably just a joke to try and get him flustered or to ruffle his feathers, but there's also something about the way that Leo said it that made him think that he wasn't quite joking about it either and he didn't want to take a risk of finding out if it was a joke or not."That's right, and there are some people that I am going to be needing to introduce you that will become a part of this schedule as well. Not only do we have to make sure that everything is in order for the engagement, you still need to work on your ability to defend yourself." Lena took a bite of one of the savory turnovers first and was surprised that it tasted better than she had expected. Not that she thought Samuel couldn't cook, but more that she had never tasted a turnover filled with anything other than fruit or something similarly sweet.

"Does that mean I should be expecting to be spending more time at the gun range?" Samuel as he started eating his own food.

"That, but also we'll also be working on making you more capable of being able to physically defend yourself as well. Learning how to use a gun is most important, but if something happens to your gun and you can't defend yourself in close range, that wouldn't be an acceptable situation."

"Do I take that to mean you have someone in mind to work with me or is that supposed to be you?" The princess shook her head in response to this question as she kept eating.

"It won't be me. You'll be working with someone who'll help figure out what the best kind of style for you will be. sure I could train you, but not everyone can adapt well to certain types of defensive and offensive types of physical defense. Thus you need someone who's going to be able to figure that out with you. It'll probably take some time as well which is why I had put it down twice a week for now, but it can be changed if necessary." The princess explained as she set her plate down.


"You'll get the chance to meet them and talk before anything goes on. If it doesn't work out, we can find someone else. I just picked someone I felt would be a good fit for your personality. I had considering appealing to the person who has trained me over the years, but I don't think he would be a good fit for you."

​ "What makes you think that?" He asked intrigued as to what type of person would've been in charge of training a younger Lena.

"Because he's someone whose far harsh than you would easily be able to handle. He's not of a gentle nature and expects a lot of people. Plus, he doesn't treat those outside of the family group with the same level of patience and tolerance either." The princess explained.

"And he hasn't just trained me, he's someone that my grandfather found and hired for his skill so he's worked with most everyone in the family for a generation and a half, except for Leo."

"His training was handled while he was overseas?" Samuel guessed. It would make sense considering how young the other still was when he left.

"That, but he also didn't think he would work well with the younger Leo either. My brother was good at what he put his mind to, but he was more fixated and logical and analytical things when he was younger and didn't want to put the same attention into learning things beyond what he needed to in terms of self-defense and fighting." She replied as she thought back on how they were growing up.

At the back of her mind, she knew that it was one of the reasons there hadn't been as big of a protest to her making it clear that she wanted to succeed her father rather than letting her younger brother do it. People object still of course, less to her or her father's face directly but they couldn't argue that she had more of the ambition and spirit than her brother did to do it.

The little queen never viewed as being a competition between her and her brother or that only one could be in charge. She thought of it more as Leo being better equipped and capable of handling the legal side of business while she dealt with the underground side.

"He wasn't groomed to take over the same way you were?" She didn't mind answering some of the questions, but the princess still didn't like talking so much.

"It wasn't that he wasn't, but rather we had different interests that lead my father to leading us towards what he thought would be best suited for us. My brother could've been the one to take over if he wanted to be, but he indirectly rejected it over the years while he was in the UK. My father never took the option away from him however and I'm sure there are some now who still pressure him to make that decision even though he isn't intent on it like I am." She finished off the last turnover on her plate but didn't feel quite feel enough. It would have to do for now though because she had too many other things to do.

"There's a few hours still before that part of your schedule will start. Today we'll also be resuming dance practice in preparation for the engagement party. Before that, why don't you tell me what you thought about for college? I can't say what my father would think about it, but if you're intent on going, it's a good idea to consider it for a future schedule." The sudden change in topic surprised Samuel.

"You mean that I could actually get the chance to go to college still?" The surprise was evident in his voice as he spoke. Lena rolled her eyes at this.

"It's not like you're going to be forced to be under lock and key the whole time once we're officially engaged and then married and unable to do anything normal." She replied

"Though nothing is for certain and I'm not going to say yes because it's not technically something I have say over. It would be possible through an online or distance learning plan. Considering we'll be engaged, it wouldn't be allowed most likely for you to go to a university that would require you to be onsite."

"Because of all the people?" He guessed

"Exactly. It would be too risky at least in this area to go college." She confirmed.

"Then going overseas for college would be okay?" Lena gave him a blank look when he asked this. She couldn't tell if he was being serious or joking by making such a far out suggestion.

"Little chickadee, perhaps if that is your suggestion for a solution or only option for going to college it would be better to keep you under lock and key as a house husband." She sighed seemingly annoyed. Not entirely an impossible request to fulfill, but one she would not only have to sell to her father but completely rearrange her schedule for two to four years depending on how long Samuel Intended to be in college for.

Her morning was going to definitely require more than two cups of coffee and she hadn't hardly started on what she needed to do for the day.
