A/N: Hello dear readers. I have a temporary solution to my internet. Not sure how long it will last, but for now this is the last chapter I am posting this month. Next month I will be working towards win-win and daily updates.

Also remember if you enjoy the story, please join my discord server. It is easier for me to communicate with readers than on here as I don't always get comments.

Thank you and enjoy reading.


Lena had Samuel enter the office before and closed the door securely behind them. Because of how early in the morning it was, they didn't pass too many other people before they reached office.

Compared to the rest of the building, he somehow wasn't surprised to see that her office was the only that had been remodeled. He was getting the idea that red happened to be one of her favorite colors and not just one that the princess used because it was part of her family's symbol.

"You can sit wherever you want. It doesn't particularly matter." Lena told him as she headed over to her desk and left him standing right inside the door. He had the option to sit at one of the two wing-back chairs that was in the office or the sofa that both looked equally comfortable. He was more interested though in finding out what Lena was working on than sitting down and doing nothing."Do you take care of everything here yourself or do you have someone help you?" He asked and came to look over her desk. Much like at her office at home she had a lot of paperwork piled up on her desk, except that it was more organized here than it had been at her other office.


"I have a secretary, but most of this is stuff that I am taking over either from my father who was helping me to get familiar with everything before he handed over when I turned eighteen." She replied as she motioned to one stack of the papers on her desk.

"The rest is stuff that I am reviewing that employees from different offices were in charge of taking care of. I need to make sure that everything matches up and looks proper before I sign off on anything or give my approval for it." she waved her hand over the rest of the stacks of papers that seemed to be organized based upon department Samuel realized as he looked over what was resting there.

"I'm sure that this isn't what you brought me here for, but can I look over the stuff from the financial department? I probably won't be able to understand everything, but I used to help my parents with a lot of the financial matters at home and took a class on it during high school." He asked as he pointed to the stack of papers that were on her desk. The princess shrugged her shoulders.

"If it's only between you and me, I don't. You won't be signing off on anything so there isn't any real harm you can do Sammy-boy. Just make sure you keep everything in the exact order its in."

"Do you have a calculator and notebook?" He asked as he grabbed about a third of the stack. Even though the stack didn't look all that tall, he knew that there was far more than he could go through in the time that they would be there and that it would be easier to start small in case there was too much that he didn't understand.

"I need to bring another computer in here." Lena murmured under her breath as she looked through the draws on her desk. She knew where the calculator was since she frequently used it herself for a variety of things, but she rarely touched note pads.


"Can you use a memo pad for now?" She asked pulling it out of the draw and showing it to him. It wasn't that big, but it was going to have to work for now."action"It's a bit small but I can probably make it work if I do it carefully." Samuel replied as he take the notepad from her.

"And honestly, I prefer working this rather than with a computer. Computer makes it too easy to miss numbers or put the wrongs in and if you get something wrong in the middle, you have start all over." he told her as he sat down at the sofa and laid everything out on the rectangle cherry coffee table that was in the middle of the room.

"Hand takes so much longer though. AT least with a computer you are able to get everything you need to finish done in a timely manner." Lena argued as she shifted things around her desk so that she could focus on what she knew as going to be high priority to finish first.

"True, but that's why in most business they hire a reliable team to help get the work done. Rarely does the CEO or higher level employees take care of it all themselves." Samuel pointed out as he got everything in order and made sure that the black and red pens he had found worked before he got ready to start working out the numbers that needed to be gone through.

"It's hard to find reliable people. Thus it's easier if you just take care of everything yourself even if isn't ideal that way it avoids more problems." Lena replied before becoming quiet as she became absorbed with the work that she needed to get done. There was too much to do to spend too much time talking even if she wanted to make a dent before the end of the day.

Samuel and the princess worked in relative silence with Samuel doing his best to work through what he had in front of him and not ask her too many questions if there was a word attached a cost that he didn't understand. He was also surprised that no one had come in to bother her over the time that they had been there. He had expected that her secretary would at least have one or two things to report to her that morning, but he seemed mistaken about that.

"Can I show you something have you double check this for me?" Samuel suddenly asked slipping the piece of paper he had been working in front of Lena and on top of what she had been focusing on. She was annoyed at first because it obscured the piece of paper she had been reading and meant that she would have to read it over again once he was done bothering.

"What's this?" She asked picking up the piece of paper and going over it. She recognized the numbers as costs, most of which seemed to be before she had become in charge of taking over.

"It's the cost for the last three months for this department, but I can't get the numbers to add up with what came up and how much everything came up. But, I don't know if there's something I'm missing." Samuel replied as she showed her what he had written down so that she could compare it to the numbers that were printed on the paper.

"I need to add everything myself." She told him as she put the piece of paper back down and motioned for him to hand her the calculator. Samuel was quiet as he waited for her to discover the mistake he made or come to the same conclusion that he had.

She worked the numbers through the calculator twice before she made an annoyed noise and turned over to her computer. It took her a minute to find where the financial files were located. The computer she used was the master one that had access to almost all the files that were accessed and stored from other computers in the company so that she could keep track of everything that everyone submitted.

"Well little chickadee, it seems as though you hit on something interesting here." The princess finally commented as she located the file that the paper had been printed off of. It really did seem as though the numbers weren't matching up correctly.
