Jovani seemed to think long and hard about this new information. He'd only been down for a few hours, and Marcus had already decided he was the new boss. Tch. That was different from how things worked.action

But, not different from the way that Marcus worked. The other cousin had never been gone at following the rules. Always one to think that he could bend them here and there where it best fit him.

"The relationship is between you and Lena. Marcus may try and do what he wants, but he isn't the person who has the final say." Jovani sat up in bed, ignoring the ache in his ribs.

"Jovani, it seems you fail to forget that Marcus doesn't care about how the rules work," Richard interjected, earning him a roll of his eyes from the Vedova Nera boss."And you seem to forget that it doesn't fucking matter. Rules are rules in place for a reason." The mafioso's expression indicated that he hardly believed that counted for much.

"But even if Marcus isn't in charge, doesn't word from him as part of the family count for a lot?" Samuel interjected before another argument could break out between the two peevish acquaintances. Jovani let out a low growl of a sigh.

"Yes, it would count for a lot but the circumstances would be considered. With the Red Scorpion family dealing with current matters and the unexpected pressure for the initiation to move forward, some would be skeptical." not to mention that Marcus was technically disgraced in their side of the world. Kudos to his father for that. Samuel, however, didn't need to know that at the current moment.


"It will likely turn out to be a non-issue, however. Lena is bound to show up. Regardless of anything else, she will be here. So I think we should move forward with the current plan all things being equal." Richard shot the Vedova Nera boss an 'Are you crazy?' glare. Even Samuel looked still determining if his decision was the best choice.

"No, trust me on this." Jovani brushed them off as he placed a hand on Samuel's shoulder. The encouraging look didn't appear to dim the doubt in the other's eyes. The Vedova Nera boss shouldn't have been surprised with everything that had been going on recently. It was not one of his best weeks regarding decisions and life choices. Although his gaze was on his younger cousin, Jovani was still very much aware of the stern glare boring into the back of his skill.

"And how exactly will you take responsibility for matters if they don't turn out the way you're telling us they will? What if Lena isn't able to show up? Are you going to be the one to stand up to Marcus and call everything off?" The sound of a tongue clicking against teeth was the one response that met his question. God Damn it. Richard just about had enough of the other man. It was one thing for the Vedova Nera to treat life like a game when it only impacted him, but another to involve other people.

"You might recall that you' 're the primary person responsible for this mess in the first place. I'm sure, though, just like in the past, you're going to throw the responsibility of dealing with this issue onto someone else and just walk away. When will you admit that is really what happened with -." Richard had to bite his tongue to stop the following words from coming out. Jovani already knew what he was going to say. There was no point in the mafioso wasting his words on the other man once more. Richard instead chose to allow the thick silence that followed to blanket the room. It was up to Jovani to make the next move.

The longer the silence extended, the darker the cloud in the room continued to grow. The air became so thick with tension that it almost reached a point of being visible before Jovani decided to answer the other Mafioso."Considering I already told you I would take care of everything, you're wise to stop before you say anything else." Jovani didn't look at the other man, but the tension in his back was visible.

"I don't care whether you believe me, just don't interfere where you're not wanted." The Vedova Nera's voice held a false lightness to it. One that didn't match the coiled tension in his muscles.


"Jovani. Richard isn't involving himself where he isn't wanted. Lena asked him to watch out for me, and I've also approved that." Samuel took the opportunity to speak. Placing one hand on the other's shoulder, he maneuvered himself away from the bed and between the other two men.

"I don't know the story between you two or even what is going on right now, but I think it's better to keep more allies than push them away." Jovani flicked his gaze between his younger cousin and Richard. Allies? As far as Jovani was concerned, only one person in the room fit that description.

Rather than verbalize this, Jovani settled for a shrug of his shoulders and a barely civil smile.

"I'll trust your judgment on this, cousin. However, when Lena shows up tomorrow, I would like Richard to leave." If Richard was offended by this request, the mafioso didn't show it. He no longer seemed interested in Jovani at all. His eyes had gone back to his phone. Was their conversation finished for him?

Samuel nudged his older cousin. He seemed to detect that Jovani would say something and gave him a look that said 'no.'

When had his cousin gone about growing up so much? Indeed, it hadn't just happened overnight.

"I'll let Lena decide if she wants me to leave. Currently, you're not able to make those requests." Jovani rolled his eyes at the other. If his cousin didn't want him to fight, he wouldn't. Not right now, at least.

He would wait to get rid of the other annoying man later on once his cousin was distracted by the princess.
