Cain leaned against the back of the chair, watching as Samuel continued to puff on the cigar absently. Was he addicted so quickly to it? Had the kid never done any such thing before?

"You know that I didn't come here to cause problems. I wanted to find out how things turned out and ended up stumbling upon the other interesting conversation the two of you are having." Cain snatched the cigar back when Samuel took it out of his mouth again. The merc hadn't been able to find any drugs in the estate, so this piddly cigar would have to do for the time being. Richard could afford to share, considering the extra trouble he'd been put through, thanks to the mafioso.

"You know very well, though, that this conversation has nothing to do with you. Thus, you should leave, and we can talk about anything else at a later point." Much like Lena, Richard had his own trigger finger that had begun to itch. Few people provoke it, but Cain somehow managed to do it so effortlessly. Almost as though the man built his entire personality up in that every little action was meant to piss someone off somewhere.

"Oh, but you see, I don't really want to leave now. This conversation sounds rather interesting. I haven't meant the princess before, but she sounds like a rather interesting person. Not to mention Sammy and I had just started to build a rather cozy relationship before everything happened." As though offering some kind of confirmation despite Richard's displeasure, Samuel offered a slight nod of his head. "We'd been going about playing Craps before Alonso had come to interrupt us, and everything else happened. Although I'm still not fully certain what everything else is." Cain smirked once more, arms opened wide as though to say, 'see, what did I tell you?'. Fuck him.

"I don't care what relationship the two of you have. That doesn't make this conversation any more relevant to you. I can assure you right now that you would be far better off leaving on your own than making me force you." The mafioso rose from the chair to stand at his full height. He'd be more than happy to put the one bullet left in his gun through the mercenary's head. It might help provide one bright spot in an otherwise rough day.

"Oh, please. I'm not causing anyone any trouble. I just want to hear what's going on, and then I will be about my way." Cain grumbled back. Taking the cigar, he handed it over to the other as though it were some peace offering. An offering that Richard refused to take back. No way in hell would he put that back in his mouth after it touched the mercenary's lips—no telling where Cain had last put those things.

"I don't care if you're causing trouble or not. You're not wanted here right now. Go back to what you were doing before. Emily was supposed to make sure you were staying in line anyways." Cain grumbled at this comment as he leaned over the top of the chair to hand the cigar back to Samuel. At least the younger cousin would be willing to take it back if Richard didn't want it. Did the man have some personal grudge against him Cain didn't' know about?


"Fine then. Don't think though that this means I won't just go about asking about it later. I'm sure there's something else I could be doing with my time that will be more fun anyways. You two enjoy your little tea chat while I go introduce myself to Jovani's other unexpected guest." Cain hadn't even noticed that Mafioso had moved across the room until he'd grabbed ahold of the merc's arm. "What unexpected guest?" The demand came with a rough tug on the other's arm and hold not easily broken. Cain's generally cock expression turned into something akin to confusion or being taken aback.

"Isn't that why you're here as well? I assumed that was why so many other people had come around here. Unless he didn't go about telling you?" The darkening expression on Richard's face said more than any words could. Hot damn! Jovani hadn't told this man anything. Weren't they supposed to be some kind of close associates, though? action

"You mean he didn't tell you about it? I thought by the way you two were talking earlier that you were supposed to be chummy and all." Cain continued rattling off about what he thought, but Richard didn't react to any of it. The previous conversation with Samuel had become forgotten as the mafioso's mind began to wander. Sure that hadn't been the reason Jovani had asked him to come? The man wouldn't be so quick to reveal that card, considering their past.

"Where is this unexpected guest supposed to be staying? Here in the estate with everyone else? If so, do you know exactly where that would be?" Like bullets, Richard's demanding questions came one after the other, giving the mercenary no space to answer.

"Slow down a minute there, buddy. Your guess on that is as good as mine. I've only heard the rumors that have been going on about it. That is why I said I would see if I could go find him. I heard Jovani might be keeping him but not for a fact." It wasn't the answer Richard wanted, but he let the other go anyways.

Why did the day have to keep getting more complicated by the second? If Jovani had told him the truth about his intentions, he could've come better prepared for whatever was going on. Instead, He would have to figure out what to do at the last minute.


Richard glanced back at Samuel. More than that, the kid wouldn't be able to stay at the estate if that person was nearby. There was no telling what would happen to Sam if the two them of ended up meeting.

Occasionally missing content, please report errors in time.
