Cain didn't know whether to feel annoyed or surprised at a third party's involvement in a situation he could easily handle himself. Although, the newcomer seemed to have no problem disabling the livid Vedova Nera boss with one swift move.action

"Fucking asshole. This is all your fault. I didn't think that you would be showing up until later." Jovani struggled to catch his breath. It had been so long that he'd forgotten how hard the other could him. The Vedova Nera's drug-muddled brain had at least enough common sense to know when he should stay down. A least until the wave of nausea that rocked his world passed.

"Oh. I had wholly intended to show at a much later point. I hardly feel this type of matter is one to come early to. It just happened that I ended up finishing my prior engagement sooner than anticipated." By the books of the situation in front of him, it turned out to be a good thing. Gustavo already did the other mafioso a favor without realizing it."I don't think the two of us are acquainted, but I would love the chance to get to know you." Cain extended his hand for a shake. The appendage only got a brief stare of disinterest from Richard, who turned away from the mercenary.

"You're the second generation. I have no interest in getting involved with you." The cold indifference only further sparks Cain's interest in the newcomer.s The cold. He watched as the other mafioso approached Jovani. The cold aura appeared to waver as he stood above the Vedova Nera boss.

"It would seem as though you were again not thinking before reacting. Attacking your own man within your estate? That's a fool's move, even for someone like you." The temperature in the area dropped at least twenty degrees as the Vedova Nera boss shot a harsh glare at the man towering over him. The hatred came off of him in waves.

"Brat. Rather than standing there gawking, you'd do better by ensuring the other gets the attention he needs." Brat? Cain? The mercenary gaped for a second, unsure if he'd correctly heard the words that came out of the other's mouth. He let out a low chuckle as his tongue darted out to swipe away the blood caked to his bottom lip.


"Look here. I don't know who you are, but-" The words died on Cain's lips when he was met by the barrel of a pistol the moment he lifted his head to give the other a level stare. An intense staring match took place between the two men. The mercenary is closer to losing his cool than the mafioso who stood holding the gun. Richard broke the silence by pulling the gun's safety.

"I don't know who you are, nor do I care. I gave you a directive, expecting it to be followed without a fuss. Is that clear?" Cain gritted his teeth. He didn't want to cede to this newcomer who seemed to think they could waltz in and take over the show. Yet, it didn't seem as though there was any other option. A man who could take on Jovani without even batting an eye, come away unscathed, and still stand tall enough to bark orders? That type of man was one worth respecting."Fine. Whether you want to get to know me or not, don't think our little meeting will end here. I will find you later so we can get better acquainted." Once again, Richard brushed him off.

The only thing he cared about was dealing with the Vedova Nera boss. Jovani thought Marcus had been the crazy one that needed to be handled carefully, huh? By the looks of the situation in front of him, perhaps it turned out to be the other way. One man who could manage to do so much damage was someone that people should watch out for. Not Richard, though; he'd dealt with worse over the years.

"Don't think you can just turn your back on me like that!" Ah, he wasn't done yet. Really? Richard didn't have to look to sidestep the attack he knew was coming. Jovani could hardly stand in his current state. Sweeping the mafioso's feet out from under him made the most sense. Follow up after? The Vedova Nera boss would undoubtedly do that.

"Did the drugs fuck your brain up that bad, or are you always like this?" A low grunt escaped Richard's mouth. He caught the Vedova Nera boss's fist but had to dig his heels into the hard floor to maintain his ground. Reckless, reckless idiot. Richard back-handed the other across the right side of the face. You released him simultaneously as he hit him with a well-aimed kick to knock the other back against the wall. Richard hardly had time for this. None of this was the reason that he'd come there.

"Would you mind hurrying up rather than standing there and staring? If you don't, you might very well become a casualty of this situation, and I don't have time to deal with any more bodies." Cain shot Richard a glare as he continued struggling to help Alonso stand. Could the man not see that he was doing his best? The half-unconscious man wasn't the lightest person in the world to carry. The fight going on behind him didn't make matters easier either. Neither one cared about who was around as they continued the spare.


"Jovi, I didn't come here to fight you. We had an appointment to talk, remember? Why don't you take a minute to breathe, and we can start this over again?" Richard maintained his position as the Vedova Nera boss and picked himself up once more. Jovani swiped a hand across his mouth before spitting out blood-tinted saliva. Deep-rooted anger shone back in his eyes as he stared Richard down. The Vedova Nerva boss still wanted blood.

Did he never learn when to give up?

Occasionally missing content, please report errors in time.
