The argument between the right-hand man and his boss quickly went south when the words left Alonso's mouth before he realized what he'd said. No longer was it a bicker between two friends; Jovani wanted blood. He might very well get blood if the other couldn't get him under control.

For one brief second, Jovani caught the other off guard, turned the tables, and threw the other off harshly. The slight difference in their response time was the only saving grace for Alonso. Jovani's slower reaction time granted him the few seconds he needed to pin the other man once.

A man on his strength could be challenging to deal with based on their fighting experience. A man on drugs became a terrible force to be reckoned with, even more so when they didn't fight by the books.

"Damn it, Jovani; you're not listening to what I'm trying to say to you." Alonso took a deep breath to stop himself from reeling from Jovani's head as it forcefully made contact with his own. Shit, he'd forgotten how irrational the other could be at moments such as these. Drugs weren't a good look for the Vedova Nera boss. Emily would have to be banned from ever sharing her stash again.

"Do you want to say that to my face again, or are there other things you've been holding back on saying that want to come out now." Jovani snarled as he thrashed under the other, not seeming to care about the lack of progress in getting the more prominent man to let him up. That didn't stop him from spitting in Alonso's face, knowing that the other couldn't move or block against it. The drugs numbed everything to the point the Vedova Nera boss didn't even feel the pain in his injured arm even as speckles of blood once more began to bleed through his shirt. Jovani brought up a leg to try and kick the other in the stomach. The right-hand barely managed to deflect the hit which struck his side instead knocking almost all of the air out of him. Size might've been uneven, but when it came to fighting skills, Jovani won with spades easily.

"Can you stop being an ass just for one moment and listen to me? I'm not here trying to fight with you; I want you to take a moment and see the reason behind what I'm saying." Damn, damn, damn, Jovani, for having sent everyone home. Without someone else there to help, Alonso already knew he would be fighting a battle he'd lose against the irrational mafia boss.


"What, you can complain to me as much as you like about everything I'm doing wrong, but the moment I get upset because you cross the line, you still expect me to roll over and ignore it? Alonso, you've pushed your luck too far this time." The right-hand man didn't get the chance to protest the other's words before Jovani found the leverage needed to get the other off on top of him. The Vedova Nera boss used more force than necessary to buck the other man off from on top of him and against the wall. Alonso's back struck the wall and made with rather sickening thud that caused the picture frames to rattle. The right-hand man saw stars in response to the wave of pain that rippled through his back. It wasn't enough for Jovani. Not anywhere near enough. Alonso should've known better than to think that such words be allowed to slide due to his position. Hadn't he been taught that before?

Jovani didn't give the other even a minute recover before he lunged at him, taking advantage of the other's disorientated state to pin his right-hand man under him.

Alonso didn't try to fight back in the same manner that Jovani had. The right-hand man pushed only enough to stop the other man from getting his hands around his neck. Alonso would've ceded to the other by now in a normal situation. The hatred that rang out in Jovani's eyes told him that would be one of the worst mistakes he could make at the current moment. Jovani action

Couldn't Jovani see that even now, his right-hand man attempted to preserve his pride and respect his position by not calling for others to get involved in their fight?

"Jovani, aren't you- off!" Alonso didn't get the chance to finish the question as a fist struck him square in the face. The hit was strong enough to have broken his nose.

"Fuck you for thinking you can get away with saying whatever you want. You know very well, as I do that the situation was out of my control. If I could have done anything differently at the time, I would have, but I was never granted that chance." The blows came one after another in quick succession. Each hit came in harder than the last, and the other man appeared to have no intention of relenting soon. Alonso barely had time to cover himself, and the Vedova Nera boss didn't seem to care."You, of all people, should know how much this has weighed on me all of these years. The one person I grew up with and who was supposed to take over with me was ripped away before we even had a chance to do anything together. All because some fucking man thought that he could play the right cards and control everything. Don't you dare for one moment think that you can blame me for something that was never my fault, to begin with?" Jovani didn't care what he hit; he only cared if his hands made contact with something. The dam broke, and all the pent-up anger that had built up inside Jovani came rushing out like an unstoppable current of water, choosing to lash out at the one person that the Vedova Nera boss could rely on more than anyone else. The same person who made an easy, safe target to lay into without the concern for repercussions.


Alonso gave up attempting to talk by this point. Instead, he focused on trying to limit the damage the other was doing to him. He'd indeed have been sporting several large bruises after the other finished with him. That was if Jovani realized what he was doing before he accidentally killed Alonso. Would it have been too much to hope that someone might show up at any moment to help out?

"Jovani? What in the world are you doing?!" Emma shouted at her cousin in disbelief. The sight before he one that she didn't think that she'd ever see take place between the two men.

"You need to get off him." She approached with the intent of grabbing hold of the Vedova Nera boss, only to be shoved away roughly by the other man.

"Emma, this isn't something for you to get involved with unless you want to side with him." The hollow, frosty edge to the voice made Emma freeze. It had been a long time since Jovani had taken such a tone with anyone. What had Alonso done to set him off in such a manner?

"I'm not siding with anyone here. I think you might care to stop what you're doing before you kill the only reliable man you have with." She did her best not to be dissuaded by the other's tone as she tried once more to get the Vedova Nera boss off the top of Alonso.

Jovani, once again, shoved her away. He used even more force than the first time. Emma winced as she hit a somewhat rough surface. The pain only lasted a second, replaced by surprise when a pair of hands wrapped around her.

"My. It seems that someone has decided to beat me to the one thing I have wanted to do since coming here. Do you mind telling me what occurred here that would've resulted in this mess?" Emma didn't expect to meet an amused, somewhat bitter pair of haze orbs when she looked up that belonged to no other than the mercenary she had wanted to pick a fight with.

"Are you going to keep looking at me like that, or will you explain the situation? I don't want to get involved in something that won't do me well." Emma's expression turned to annoyance, her face falling; she shoved away from the other, who let her go quickly.

"What makes you think that I know? I'm only here because I heard the crash. I don't care what your usual policy is; I suggest you help if you don't want your man taken out by his boss before you can patch things up." Cain grumbled as he looked at the sight in front of him. It didn't look like it would be an easy task to get Jovani off of Alonso. Did the right-hand man need their help? Cain couldn't quite tell from their positions.

Alonso had almost given up on trying to protect his face as he moved to keep the hands off him. It hurt too much to try and speak, let alone breathe. What a great day this had somehow turned out to be. The exact kind that the right-hand man had wanted to try and avoid all along. Never again would he be allowing Jovani near any drugs.
