Jovani's muddled brain couldn't understand what the other was fussing about. He came, he saw, he watched for a while but nothing horrible about the situation struck him in the face. What did Alonso anticipate as the proper reaction? Scolding? Chaos breaking lose? Hmph. Jovani tilted his head back to look at the ceiling. If it that were the case, he brought the wrong person in to review this matter.

The drugged Vedova Nera boss hardly cared about what happened to himself; why would be care about what his younger cousin did so long as it wasn't anything immediately fatal?

Certainly the nose in the room would be a lot to contend with, but Samuel actual bore a smile for more than a few seconds. Not an entirely genuine one but it looked better than that sullen expression that had been glued to the kid's face ever since he got there."There isn't anything going on in there that we should be worried about. Cain and whoever everyone is aren't a good influence but they're hardly blood thirsty right now by the looks of it. If you have a problem with it though, why don 't you go about dealing with it, hm?" Jovani leaned against the closed door and took a deep breath as he waited for what Alonso would say about the matter.

"First Marcus. Now this. Are you certain that you're not losing your mind somewhere along the line? You should be fully aware of the fact that I know those people far better than they do. They're not the ones that your younger cousin should be around if you're trying to keep himself." Alonso hissed roughly, voice barely audible to prevent the occupants in the other room from hearing him. Cain would use anything the other said against him at some later point in time.action

"Piss, piss." Jovani moved his hand in a mocking manner of the other speaking. Moving away from the door, he pushed the other away with him.

"You might need something to fuss about right now but I don't. Do what you believe needs to be done but I don't want whatever it is to be something that will cause me trouble. I need some kind of peace around here when my guest gets here." Guest was far too kind of a word for who would be coming but Jovani couldn't think of another word to use. Saying his name aloud would burn his tongue more than calling them a guest. Alonso's hands ran across his face in an exasperated manner as a mute noise escaped his mouth. The right-hand man followed closely behind the Vedova Nera boss who acted as though there wasn't anything in the world to worry about.


"For one day can we agree that you'll stop doing all of this? You can't go about adding fuel to the fire of chaos that is already building up. At some point, you need to learn to lay back and not indulge in it." Alonso found himself in an unexpected place when Jovani suddenly whipped around and pushed him harshly against one of the walls, barely avoiding hitting the right-hand man against a picture frame.

"Alonso, you also need to learn when you should be going about keeping your mouth shut. Your opinions are valued but when it is evident that I have no intention of listening nor do I care, you should stop. Is that understood?" Their gazes remained locked as they assessed each other. Jovani to determine if the other would concede as Alonso took in the other's expression. Tight, features, narrowed eyes and a down turned eyebrows gave away more than the other's words. The wet hair only added to the other's mental and physical disheveled look. The right-hand man brought his own hand up to take hold of hand gripping the collar of his shirt tightly. At least the Vedova Nera boss had given him more than enough reason for Alonoso to not feel apologetic for what he had done earlier."It is understood, but it isn't advice that I can take in at this point in time. You might remember that it was for moments like these that you went about hiring me. I can't go about letting you burn the world down around even if that's what you want to do." Jovani's expression and the pushback that followed told Alonso the other didn't understand him. At least not enough to stop what he started.

Alonso would need to amp up the people around his boss if this was the direction that events were going to start moving in.

"I do remember why I hired. It was also because I thought you were good about being able to read the room and know what to say when I couldn't think about it myself. Tell me, how much can you read about the room right now and what's going through my head." Words weren't going to solve the problem between. Instead, Alonso decided that action would be the best route to go. He mentally apologized for what would be taking place before making his move.

"Boss, you're the one that needs to understand what is taking place right now." Alonso shifted position, taking ahold of both of Jovani's hands in each of his before ducking to swipe the other's feet out from under him.The brief widening of his boss's eyes told him he didn't expect Alonso to go that far.

Brief as it was, it would be more than enough for the guard to use against his boss. He didn't stop as he knocked the other to the floor. The right-hand man moved in such a way that even if the other didn't let go of his shirt, he wouldn't end up hurt as the they both headed towards the ground.


Alonso maintained his position as he kept Jovani pinned. Enough to make a point but not so much so that he would end up hurting the other man. Hopefully the knock to his head would help to bring some sense along with the pain that Alonso knew would follow.

"Now, are you ready to go about listening to me or do we need to take this further?"

Occasionally missing content, please report errors in time.
