When Gary returned to the gym he felt more than ready for the coming challenge. He walked in with his best pokemon at his side. Squirtle was practically strutting after the last few days of fighting other trainers. They’d made some real strides together, and Gary had let his pokemon know how pleased he was with their progress.

“Go Gary go!” The girls gave them one last cheer before entering the reception once more. This time there were a lot more trainers lingering around. Gary couldn’t help but pat himself on the back from his earlier foresight to use the car to get ahead of others and get a lead on Ash.

He still hadn’t seen Damian or Greta who’d chosen Bulbasaur yet. Not that they mattered as much. It was Ash he had to stay ahead of.

When he made it to the front the receptionist greeted him with a smile. “Ah! If it isn’t Gary Oak from Pallet town. Are you ready for your matches?”

“You betcha!” he said with a pump of his fist. The woman nodded.

“Sign here and then you can go through the main trainer doors. You will be called out for your match. Good luck!” she said as Gary signed the form.

When he turned to the door he found himself staring down at stonework that featured a roaring Onix and a beckoning Graveller.


“Squirt!” croaked his pokemon fiercely.

Gary nodded to it. “That’s right Squirtle! Let’s go!”

They walked through the door to find a large hallway that had benches along the walls. On each wall rules were listed for what was and was not allowed at the gym. Posters with Machamp pumping up before a match with large crosses over them. On the other the side pokemon overcoming incredible odds as they fought through for the win decorated the wall. Some faces and pokemon came up on a wall-mounted screen along with the date they had won their badges.

Gary smirked. “I’m going on this wall!” he said. Squirtle nodded seriously.

When Gary got close he found an older girl with a headset on with a clipboard in hand. “Gary Oak from Pallet town? Ready for your match?”

“Yes!” he said, slightly annoyed at being questioned once more.


She shot him a grin. “How do you want to be introduced? I’m the hype stylist and have a whole range of intros ready! I’m going to use it to announce you to the crowd. So did you want a standard intro?”

Gary almost nodded his head before what she said registered. “Any introduction?”

She smirked. “Gotta be short and sweet.”

Gary felt a grin stretch his face. “I know exactly what I want.” He then whispered it to her causing her to snicker.

“Nice one kid. Alright, I’ll wave you in when I’m done warming the crowd up,” she winked at him.

Gary nodded back, more than happy to wait as he was introduced to the world.

“Annnnnnnnd Now! Ladies and Gentlemen! The greatest trainer to come out of Pallet since the Champion of old! He’s running oh so hot! The one! The only! GARY MOTHER—a loud beep cut over the woman for a moment—ING OAK!”

Gary grinned as people laughed and cheered him on. Gary looked forwards and found his path lit up with a bracketed set of lights that let him walk down through the crowd from the high position. People clapped and whistled. A few people cheered and used the actual nickname he’d tried to slip in. The girl didn’t seem to mind the swearing at all. That was way cool.

“G! A! R! Y!” spelled out his girlfriends who had claimed an entire section of the stands at the front for him.

He waved at his adoring fans and put his hands to his lips. “Mwah! Mwah! Thanks for coming!”

He reached the arena itself and walked onto the battlefield. He wouldn’t get a podium yet but he didn’t mind. You worked up to having the podium for the big matches. Across from him a trainer from the gym strode forward.

The guy looked very laid back. He had ridiculously tanned skin and blond hair that made him look weird. Gary had been expecting a hiker-styled trainer, not someone that looked like they just came in from the surf.

“Sup little man, ready to throw down? I’m Gym trainer Jackson, your first match up!” He gave a wink and a thumbs up.

Gary merely sniffed, selecting his pokeball. “Go Rattata!” His pokemon landed with a ready pose, mouth open and tail up and alert.

“Ho? Someone is eager. Alright, ref you ready?”

Gary looked up to see a kid around his age as the referee. She kind of looked like Brock. Maybe a sister or something? The kid raised her flags and Jackson tossed out his own pokemon.

“Let’s do this Geodude! First match, first win, coming up!” The geodude that appeared raised its arms and roared before punching the air in front of it.

“Heh! You wish, old man!” snarked Gary as the flags dropped. “Rattata! Go into Quick Attack straight up!” Rattata sprinted forward and launched into a tackle that threw the geodude back.

“Grapple with it, Geodude!” shouted Jackson. The Geodude swept its arms together only for Rattata to leap backwards.

“Nice one Rattata! Now, use Tail Whip!” He’d looked up a few matches and while he didn’t really see the reason online, a number of people seemed to agree that this was a good move near the start of a match.

Geodude shifted slightly and dropped its arms as it glowered at the tail that twitched back and forth. Gary nodded. “Another Quick Attack but circle it and take it from its weak spot!”

Just like they had practised and practically perfected against other trainers, Rattata sprinted around the slower pokemon to get in the blind spot.

“Geodude, use Defence Curl,” said Jackson as Rattata closed in on its back. A small shell of energy surrounded the rocky pokemon and this time Rattata’s attack didn’t seem to do as much damage.

“Back out and Tail Whip again!”

“Geodude, Tackle!” Jackson swept his hand, and the Geodude leapt forward on the offensive.

“Dodg—” Rattata tried to skip out of the way only to have the wider grasp of the Geodude come into play. Rattata was launched backwards from the hit but quickly shook off the hit. “Hang in their Rattata! Give it another Quick Attack!”

This time Jackson’s Geodude wasn’t able to ignore the attack with a Defence Curl. Rattata was quick enough to slip in and nail the pokemon in the back where it was weak. Gary pumped his fist as the geodude wavered and fell unconscious. “Yes! That’s the way, Rattata!”

Jackson withdrew his pokemon. “Nice work kid, time for another challenger to take over!”

Jackson turned and walked out as the referee raised her flag towards Gary. “Gary mother—” the beep cut over her words “—Oak of Pallet town was victorious and will advance to the next challenge.”

Gary grinned as the crowd giggled. Jackson, who had been steadily walking away, turned and rushed over. Gary could just make out the whispered conversation. Apparently, she wasn’t supposed to swear, and the announcer really shouldn’t have done what she did. Gary could see the pink-haired woman laughing while shooting worried glances up towards the back of the stands.

The referee blushed and nodded before waving to the next challenger. “And now from the Pewter City Gym! Forrest!”

A kid that looked like a mini Brock strode forward. This time Gary was certain the other kid was Brock’s brother. The older kid sniffed and raised a pokeball. “You’re a thousand lightyears too early to take on Brock!”

“That’s not—” Gary raised a finger to correct the kid only for a pokeball to be pulled back and loosened. “Go Sandshrew!”

“Stay out Rattata! You’ve got this!” shouted Gary.

“Begin!” shouted the ref.

“Sandshrew! Use Sand Attack!” shouted the boy.

“Rattata, evade with Quick attack!” Sadly, unlike with a normal tackle this attack was much tougher to dodge and his pokemon got a spray of sand to the eyes. It then missed a step and took a tumble. It rose and rubbed at its eyes in frustration which was apparently what Forrest had been waiting for.

“Use Rollout!”

“Rattata! Roll to the side now!” Thankfully Gary’s pokemon obeyed him and threw itself out of the tumbling path of the now rolled up Sandshrew. The pokemon rolled past only to spin in place and pivot like a maddened pinball at an arcade.

“Rattata, get ready to leap again!” Gary ordered as he eyed the spinning up Sandshrew. The Sandshrew bit into the ground and began rolling. Gary licked his lips.

Just a second longer…


Once more his Rattata leapt to the side and evaded.

“Arc around!” shouted Forrest, causing his pokemon to not lose speed and instead turn in an arc that saw it lining up on Rattata much faster now.

“Jum—” this time Gary was too slow and his Rattata took the hit head on. It went down with a cry and Gary had to sigh as it collapsed, unable to rise up. The ref raised a flag in Forrest’s direction.

“The Gym Trainer has defeated Rattata! Withdraw your pokemon and send out your next pokemon!”

“Haha! Yes, nicely done Sandshrew! We’re schooling this kid!” shouted Forrest.

Gary twitched. “Alright no more Mr nice guy! Go Squirtle!”

Squirtle leapt from his side and onto the arena as Rattata was taken off. Gary gave the pokeball a quick pat. “Don’t worry buddy Squirtle’s going to avenge you!”

“Squirtle!” shouted the turtle pokemon. Across from him, the Sadshrew continued to spin slowly, staying in the rollout-ready form.

“Go Gary go!” chorused the girls as a number of them stood and began another routine, pom poms flailing around. “Fight! Fight! Fight!” The crowd rose to cheer with them at that and Gary found himself really pleased that he’d been able to charm the girls so well.

“You’ve got this Gary!” called a voice that almost had Gary taking his eyes off field. Had that been gramps?


Gary snapped back to the match and swept his hand out. “Layer the area with Bubble!” His pokemon instantly began to fill the space between them with bubbles that would act like landmines.

“Circle wide, Sandshrew!” The rolled up pokemon spun around the danger zone and instead came at Squirtle from the side.

“Leap back and keep up the bubbles!” It was a shame he didn’t yet have a stronger move, but he knew from talking with trainers for years at his Gramps’ lab that water-type moves were super effective against rock types.

This time the Sandshrew was coming on too fast and raced right through the bubbles. It kept up enough speed however to clip Squirtle on the way through. It spun up and onto its feet before shaking its head and giving a small cry of pain.

“Squirtle, go again!” Squirtle shot off another round of bubbles straight into the back of the Sandshrew putting it down.

“Tch! Good work Sandshrew!” said Forrest before withdrawing it. Gary grinned as the crowd shouted at his victory. Forrest selected another pokemon. “Go Diglett!”

A mole pokemon very similar to the pokemon that Gary had gained appeared and chirped out its name. The flags rose, then dropped, and the battle resumed.

“Mudslap!” called Forrest.

“Withdraw!” shouted Gary causing his pokemon to turtle up by pulling in its head and limbs into the shell. The mud thwacked onto the shell but should have mostly avoided having any effect on his squirtle. “Now, use Bubble again!”

The Diglett took the hit and Gary pumped his fist.

“Use Scratch!”

“Keep up the bubbles!” Gary commanded firmly and just like that the mole pokemon was taken out. Forrest slumped slightly and Gary grinned. “Ha! That’ll teach you about using lightyears the wrong way!” he said

Forrest gave him a look of confusion before groaning. “Oh, damn it you’re right!” He put his hands to his face. “Urgh! I’ve been using that line for a week!”

The referee giggled at him and then coughed. “Trainer Forrest you may leave the field. Challenger Gary, are you ready to face the Gym Leader?”

Gary held up one hand and plucked a potion out to use to clean off his Squirtle’s shell. It probably wasn’t that bad but it paid to go into a fight as strong as he could. “Alright, I’m good now.”

The Referee raised a flag and lights around the stadium fell dark with an ominous ‘Choom’ that echoed as people fell quiet. Each light fell until Gary found himself alone in a sea of darkness. The ground underneath his feet rumbled and he swallowed.

“You challenge the Pewter City Gym?” said a voice that filled the room.

Gary looked up in time to see another light turn on and land directly on Brock as he stalked forwards, his face locked into a frown as if Gary was beneath him. Gary straightened his back.

“I am! I’m here to claim the Boulder Badge!” Gary said.

Brock descended to the lower seats but when he came to the divider, instead of dropping the stairs, he leapt over the edge and landed in the trainer section of the arena in a perfect three-point landing. Despite himself, Gary was impressed.

Brock rose up, and Gary was suddenly reminded that there was a guy that had taken on the Champ and won. He swallowed as he stared across the field at Brock.

“Are you ready?” A pokeball enlarged in his grip and Gary nodded.

Brock swept his pokeball forward and then caught it as it opened and bounced back. Gary’s heart pulsed as Brock revealed a Geodude that punched the air before crying out a roar.

“Begin!” shouted the ref after checking them over once more. “Squirtle, attack with Bubble!”

“Izumi, evade and use Tackle!” Gary wanted to say that wouldn’t work Rock pokemon were too slow.

Then the geodude hopped around the various bubbles that his Squirtle was using and launched into the turtle’s shell. “Squirtle!” he cried in shock before staggering back with a low growl. Geodude grinned.

“Geodude, use Iron Defence!” called Brock. Geodude clenched up and a small circle of energy formed around its body.

“Quick, use Bubble again!”

“Now Rollout to the side!” commanded Brock before Geodude could be hit by the slow hitting bubbles. It tightened into a ball and rolled to the side before spinning about and straight at Squirtle.

“Dodge it by jumping!”

Geodude swept past where his Squirtle had been before arcing around. “Create a wall of bubbles! Squirtle!” Gary was surprised he was being pushed this hard. Brock wasn’t a push over and despite the type advantage he was being pushed to connect with an attack. He’d need faster options or some way to guarantee the hit.

That made him decide to change things up, by turtling up. “Use Withdraw! Then foam yourself up with bubbles like in the bath!”

“Squirtle?” his pokemon said in confusion.

“Just do as I said!”

Geodude rolled around the bubbles and came straight on as Squirtle ducked its head back in and foamed up the shell. This time he allowed the hit but Geodude obviously took it worse as it popped a number of bubbles.

Geodude reeled back with a harsh cry before falling to the ground and groaning. For a second Gary thought the pokemon looked at Brock, but Brock merely nodded and made a stern expression before raising his pokeball. Gary felt something within him unclench as Brock withdrew his pokemon. That had been closer than he would have liked. That pokemon was strong!

“You have a good bond with your pokemon and can adapt well,” said Brock as he selected another pokemon.

Gary grunted at that. “Course we do! Squirtle and I are gonna go all the way!”

“Hmmm is that so? Well, you still have one more pokemon to overcome before you get my approval. Go Onix!”

From the pokeball a huge snake appeared and roared in rage before turning its head to look down upon Gary and his Squirtle. “Ooooooooooonn!” It screamed before settling back.

“Trainers, are you ready?” Gary nodded, knowing that he’d have to settle this with Squirtle, his other pokemon wouldn’t be able to handle things if it got past him. Maybe they could wear it down but he didn’t want to barely win, he wanted to crush this gym challenge!


“Onix, use Rock Throw!”

Gary opened his mouth to counter with Bubble, only to realise how bad that would play out as large rocks rose up and were thrown forward. “Squirtle run! Get out of there!”

His pokemon leapt forward and waddled for all its worth as rock pummelled the ground behind it. “Onnnn!” roared the giant pokemon as it was denied the chance to crush his Squirtle.

Gary gritted his teeth before seeing how it hadn’t moved, and now Squirtle was kind of close to its tail. He’d need to get way closer though to make a hit get through. “Squirtle! Jump on its back and run up to blast it with Bubble!”

His Squirtle didn’t question him this time thankfully and to the surprise of everyone made the leap on a single bound before latching onto a much higher segment.

“Shake it off, Onix!” ordered Brock.

“Hang in there and you’ve got this Squirtle!” Gary countered. He clenched his fist as the giant snake threw itself about, a few times he saw his little guy hanging on as bubbles continued to pound in before Onix gave one last mournful cry and collapsed to its side.

The ground rumbled and Gary threw his hands up.”Yes! We did it!”

“Gary! Gary! He’s our man! If he can’t do it, no one can!” cheered the girls.

“Way to go Gary!” cried out the voice. This time Gary was able to look but he couldn’t see who he was expecting to see. Had his Gramps actually come?

Gary waved to the crowd. “Thank you, thank you! Squirtle and I will be here for another day or so! Autographs can be gained from the pokecenter!” he said to his adoring fans as they cheered for him.

“Isn’t that right… Squirtle?” He glanced about for his starter only to see it still laying on his side. Gary gasped as onix was removed. He sprinted forward realising that his pokemon might have gotten crushed from hanging on where it had!

“Squirtle!” He sprinted over to it and swept it up in his hands. “Hey! Hey Squirtle you okay buddy?”

His pokemon gave a weak, “Squuuuirtle?”

“Ha! Ha you’re going to be alright buddy!” Gary said as relief swept through him. He cuddled his Squirtle and relaxed.

“May I check him over?” asked a deep voice. Gary looked up to find Brock kneeling down with a concerned look and a potion in his hands.

“Oh? Uhm sure, if that’s okay with Squirtle!” His pokemon nodded slowly. Brock reached out, not taking Squirtle from Gary but rather running his hands around the shell and face. He pressed lightly on each limb and watched for Squirtle’s face for any reaction.

In the end his Squirtle merely yawned loudly. “Heh. I think the little guy’s just all battled out!”

Brock stood and waved to the crowd that had stopped cheering when Gary had cried out.

Brock spoke loudly, “He’s okay, just tuckered out from his fights!”

The crowd clapped at that and breathed their own sighs of relief. Brock offered Gary a hand up and Gary took it to stand still feeling slightly off balance at the fright. It was also weird to have Brock suddenly there and helping out.

“Uhm, thanks for that,” Gary said quietly.

“No problem. I’d advise some rest and let the Nurse look him over, but I doubt there’s any issues. That was a good battle plan though.”

“I was worried he might have gotten hurt from it,” Gary said

“Nah, Squirtle’s healthy, that means his shell can stand up to a lot of abuse. Just make sure something like a Kingler doesn’t get him in its claws. Then you might be in trouble. Normal force from a large pokemon merely falling on it? Not as much of a risk. Once he’s a Blastoise? Forget about anything damaging his shell except the most powerful pokemon.”

Gary considered that and said, “Huh, that’s… good to know, thanks.”

“You had some good plans with laying out bubbles but your mobility could do with some work.”

“Squirtle’s kind of slow right now, I know.”

Brock wavered his hand. “Eh. There are a number of ways around that. I use water moves to make Shin move faster but you can also use techniques like rollout only more like a spin for your Squirtle. Try it out some time, yeah?”

Gary nodded again. “Hey yeah, that would work. Thanks!”

Brock nodded before turning to the referee who was now holding a small case. Gary noted with her standing next to Brock that she was obviously related to Forrest and Brock. She opened the case in her hands. Within the Boulder badge sat on a cushion. Brock picked it up and offered it with both hands towards Gary.

“Congratulations on your victory, you have demonstrated the skills and knowledge to a degree that I hereby recognise you officially earning the Boulder badge.”

“Yes!” shouted Gary. He punched the air with one hand raising the badge while the other held Squirtle as it waved its arms about in celebration.


I stared at Gary Oak as he celebrated. A few people still called out to me saying I'd put on a good show which was part of what being Gym Leader was about. But mostly, I tried to make it worth it for new trainers.

Trainers like Gary. He’d done well. I’d pushed him to the limits of what I could justifiably do as a first badge challenge, and he’d done great. It was strange to see a kid that, in the games and cartoons, would rise up to Champion level. And here he was just starting out on his journey, but then again, each day trainers that potentially had the same chance walked through my doors. This was just a name I knew that would do well given the chance.

“So want to get a victory photo?” I asked as he waved to his… Huh, he actually had cheerleaders. That was kinda weird.

Gary nodded. “Yeah, my girlfriends can join in!” he said with a wave as they trundled down giving giggles that sounded fake to my ears. Part of me twigged at him referring to them as his ‘girlfriends’. Was this… was this safe for Gary?

I gave them all looks as they approached, but none of them got touchy with him. One even noticed my attention and approached. “Great match Gym Leader!” She smiled, and I grunted at her, wondering what her plan was.

She glanced back at the girls. “Looks like he really learned a lot from battling you. I don’t think I learnt as much from battling your dad when I started out.”

I grunted again and swallowed down how that was the point of being a good gym leader. She didn’t say anything for a moment before shaking her head and pulling out her purse. “My card.”

I frowned as she offered me a business card.

I glanced at it, uncertain how it would change… Oh?

It read;

‘Fiona Riley’

Bodyguard, Nanny, Protective services for Youths’

Discreet, League approved, and Experienced’

Her number was listed and I accepted it to give it a more serious look over. “You’re not his girlfriend?”

“Oh, I like to think we’re friends with him but well,” She gave Gary a fond look as he made poses that had the girls that were distracting him coo over, “He’s still very young no?”

“Ah, you were hired by Professor Oak then?”

“We actually approached him. Sometimes it pays to do some legwork. He approved, pending our ability to stay close to Gary.”

“Huh, I might have to hire you for Forrest…” I trailed off as I saw him lingering and looking on enviously at Gary and his ‘girlfriends. “Right never mind that. Maybe for Yolanda’s turn on her journey.”

“Oh?” she looked over to see Yolanda watching off to the side in amusement, “She helps out in the gym? Isn’t that just precocious!” Fiona said.

It had been innocent, but with a touch of mischievousness. “Well she’d be more than welcome to come with us… but she might learn more than you bargained for. Girls tend to pick some things up a lot earlier after all.” She cocked her hip and smirked at me.

I gave the cheerleaders another look over as a suspicion formed in my mind that they would be, as the historians of my old world liked to say, ‘All very, very good friends’.

“I see,” I said neutrally. Then again I had over-thought a lot of things with women so maybe I was just… Yeah no. These women were all in a group relationship and Fiona was basically reminding me that while to Gary it was just ‘weird girl stuff’, a young girl would notice and understand what was going on. Girl’s typically matured much earlier after all.

I hummed in thought. I didn’t really want to think about how exposing Yolanda to a wider view of the world, particularly that part of people’s lives might affect her. There were some things a big brother didn’t need to know. Or was I supposed to know that as her pseudo-parent?

I pushed that aside for now, and instead posed for the camera as we took a photo and sent it off to Professor Oak to signify Gary had passed one of the challenges on his circuit. I shot said man a pointed look as he stayed sitting up in the stands. He hadn’t stopped clapping since Squirtle was announced as alright.

“Hey, before I go,” Gary said near the exit. I raised an eyebrow in an invitation for him to ask his question. “Any chance I could buy or earn one of your ancient pokemon?”

I hummed at that, “I might consider it, but you’d have to do both. Buy and earn it. Wouldn’t want a bad trainer to have access to a rare pokemon like an Omanyte or Kabuto. Tell you what, you earn another four badges through the other Gym’s gauntlet challenges without losing once, and I’ll consider it.”

That would most likely have him facing the Cerulean sisters, Surge, Erika, Sabrina or Manny. Sophia in the small town on the Cycling road was also a possibility. A few of those names would be tougher than the others.

“Alright! I’m out of here!” Gary said.

I shook the thought off and waved Gary away. “So long Gary, come back if you want a tougher challenge!”

“Count on it! I’m coming for that Bejewelled badge!” cheered Gary as he and his protective detail departed.

And just like that Gary Oak was gone.

I hummed at the odd feeling. I’d seen countless other trainers do exactly that. It was a strange feeling to be the roadbump that they passed over. They were supposed to clear it and move on. It made me remember my own journey. Passing a gym was a serious milestone.

For some reason Gary doing it made it all the more poignant. I sighed and shook my head. I had another six matches at least to handle. I clapped my hands together, exhaled and inhaled before turning to prepare for the next gym match.

“Brock! Brock! I think I need your help!” Alexa's voice chirped from the radio I had at my hip in case of emergencies.

I plucked it up and spoke into it, “What’s the matter?”

“There’s… a lot of trainers here.. Like a lot… I can’t count them all. Is this normal?”

I frowned. That didn’t sound right at all. I turned towards the reception area. Just another thing to handle hopefully. When I arrived and looked through the one-way mirror I had to gape.

“What the hell?”

Usually, you only saw twenty or thirty trainers queuing up. But now? Now trainers were jammed into the area and spilled out into the outside area. There were at least a hundred trainers milling about. Some were arguing, jostling each other as they moved about, and some were already storming off with another trainer to have a fight outside at the battle courts. Their eyes having locked.

This was not normal at all.

Janine appeared at my side and tapped me on the ribs. “Sharpen your awareness…” she trailed off. “What is going on?”

I bit my lip as a horrible conclusion formed in my mind, “A trainer surge… shit.” Then something struck me as odd.

“Wait, you mean these trainers snuck up on you?” I said teasingly.

Janine blanched. “What!? No! I just don't have an information network established yet!”

I raised a brow at that. “Are you setting up spies in my city?”

Janine squirmed before coughing. “I think I hear Dennis calling me back to the office to finish up my paperwork!” She threw a smoke bomb and ran away.

I chuckled, feeling a bit better as I turned back to my newest problem. I’d need to find out what was going on here. This was highly unusual for so many trainers to turn up at once.
