Rachel whimpered while lying face to the ground. The wonderful trustworthy ground. It was always there to catch you when you fell. Good old dirt. Nature’s bed.

“You’ve all done wonderful today! Especially you Brock, you really put in some solid effort! I saw you working harder than anyone here! Rachel, great job on the battle ropes! Bianca your footwork—” Rachel felt a warmth build in her chest but at the same time her legs locked in cramp. She cursed the feeling and her past self for thinking this was a good idea. She glanced up and saw Trixie’s beatific smile— No! Bad Rachel, don’t get suckered into the lure of her praise! That’s how she got you to do those damn burpees! And those lunges… and those planks…

“Great jobs everyone!” Trixie said exuding good vibes that subconsciously made Rachel sit up and smile back. Then she remembered how much doing so hurt and she lay back down.

Around her, the other employees that had been dumb enough to take part in the gym’s training session for trainers were also sprawled out. Not a single one of them was on their feet and bouncing around like Trixie. Not even Brock who was sitting against a wall. He’d thrown a towel over his head and Rachel could see the puffs of air disturbing said towel.

Trixie continued to traipse around the group offering praise.

Rachel turned her head when darkness fell over her. “Oh! Wow, you did so good today! Here let me stretch you out!”

Rachel didn’t have it in her to resist. She flopped uselessly in the amazonian woman’s grip as she was pushed beyond what she had known only a few hours ago to be her breaking point.


“You're so inspirational!” whispered Trixie into Rachel’s ear as she finished the last stretch.

With Rachel done, Trixie moved on to work on Bianca, Celia, and Missy.

By the time Trixie reached Celia, Brock had stood up and started helping Rocko stretch out. Dennis was flat on his back staring up into the lights above them. Daniel was face down still. For a moment Rachel thought he was dead.

Then his muscles spasmed… which didn’t mean he wasn’t dead. Just like the groan of escaping air didn’t mean he was alive. When he rolled onto his back Rachel gave him the benefit of the doubt.

“H-h-how is this not abuse?” Daniel rasped.

Dennis chuckled. “It’s character building… also it's for your own good. Trixie makes you better than you were.”


Trixie began stretching Dennis out. “No, this is all you! This is what you’re capable of when you really put your minds to it!” Rachel perked up, that did sound. Argh! She did it again!

Daniel stared into the lights as if wishing they were lights of a different sort. “I read about the fitness regimes being included in our duties and mandated but… to this extent? This is insane!”

Brock walked over and began stretching out Daniel. “It’s good for you. You'll be able to last through a lot more battles like this and complete patrols around town, through the caves, mountains and forests around Pewter. It’s overkill, but overkill that will leave a great impression on you. Trust me on this.” Brock glanced over to Dennis who was now upright thanks to Trixie. “Dennis, your wife doesn’t complain when you come home way fitter right?”

Dennis shakily stood like a newly hatched Ponyta. His legs shook and he had a look of triumph on his face at holding his posture. Trixie gently patted him on the shoulder before he replied. “I think she’s mostly disappointed I can’t help her get things down from the top of the shelves while I’m like this. She won’t enjoy the gains for another week yet.”

“And those gains?” Brock said leadingly.

Dennis mumbled something about this being the reason they were having another kid.

Rachel giggled only to abort the action as her stomach muscles clenched at being forced to do anything else. “Uhhhhhh! I’m spent! Brock, please tell me this isn’t on all the time?”

Brock gave her an amused look. “You came to this session after the first two. You knew what Trixie was like. You didn’t have to ”

“I’m sick! I can’t believe I came back for this!” Rachel shot Brock a pleading look. “Can you at least put me in a chair? I can’t sit up?”

That got a round of laughter that turned into groans. Brock smiled at her and picked her up—like a princess— and she was then deposited into a chair where she could do her best impression of a Muk, becoming ooze-like and limp. Maybe next time she could just sit in the stands like she had intended to. She glanced over to said stands only to find Chansey sitting in them eating a pokeblock treat slowly with obvious pleasure. But not near Chansey cause that pokemon was just weird. Whenever Rachel looked to her for healing the pokemon just took another slow bite of her treat as though she was savouring watching all the people stumbling around.

“I’m so glad this session was scheduled for the afternoon,” she said to the others as they joined her. Or rather were deposited gradually by Brock, Trixie, and Dennis. The girls all got princess carries. Rocko tried for a princess carry only to get slung over the shoulder like a sack of potatoes by Brock.

“Urgh! No Brock! I wanted the royal treatment!” said the shaggy-looking man.

Brock merely snorted and repeated the action with Stephen and Daniel. Soon enough they were all sat up in a line on the lowest tier of the stands. Trixie grinned at them. “Alright! This is our last session this week! I’ll be back next week but until then keep up your fitness! Remember! Stretching every day, limit your sitting time to hour blocks! Running five times a week and two gym sessions! Next week will be weight work in the weights room!”

Dennis and Rocko slumped further into their chairs. Rocko groaned out loud, “Oh thank Arceus!”

Trixie giggled. And shot them a thumbs up which her pokemon, a Breloom that apparently used Sunny Day to keep it constantly able to chase after you, and a Machoke copied.

“Great work otherwise! If you can, please come cheer for me in this weekend’s women’s weightlifting tournament in Vermillion!” She beamed at everyone. Having spent close to four hours with the woman she likely actually did hope to see them.

Rachel gave a tiny smile and raised her arm to return the thumbs up. It sounded like she had something to do this weekend. Her arm wobbled like she was under a paralysis effect. Trixie’s smile gained further brightness. Then she bid everyone a good afternoon and jogged out of the gym with her pokemon following after her. Brock turned to the group.

“Great work today guys. I know this is a lot to make you do but there are reasons this is paid work. You enduring this does lead to you being able to put in more effort both on and off the clock. Bianca, Stephen, and Rachel, huge thanks for coming back for the third session. As Trixie said, we won’t have another one of these for another week.”

Stephen groaned while Bianca gave a tremulous smile.

Brock smiled around at the group. “As a reward for your hard work today, tomorrow is off for all of you. Forrest is scheduled to do the feeding and watch over the gym. The police don’t have us slotted in for a call up so that just leaves the Ranger duties, which I’m going to handle. So enjoy your weekend and I’ll see you all on Monday. Next week is the route patrol review and…”

Rachel recalled that she did have something to say, so she raised her head, “You’re booked in for a magazine shoot. BattleMag wants a spread on you and your pokemon for what new challengers can face.”

“Okay, cool.” He glanced around before nodding and clapping his hands together to signal that the impromptu discussion was done. “Well, when you’re feeling up to it, you can head on out.”

Brock then walked—albeit stiffly— out of the gym leaving them to sit around like some AA meeting. None of them were able to leave their chairs immediately, and various parts of their body that they’d only learnt of during Trixie’s first training session had returned like a bad Grimer to that pile of garbage that you totally should have thrown out but had forgotten about...

Rachel stared at a jug of water just outside of easy reaching distance. Perhaps now she’d learn if she was psychic? She squinted at the water, willing it into her mouth. Nothing happened.

It was probably for the best. If Trixie learnt that she could make you ‘flex’ your mind she’d probably have an exercise for it as well.

“I repeat…” wheezed Daniel, “How is this a perk of the job?”

Rocko spoke up, “We’re getting paid for this?”

Rachel let her head loll around. “You are? Am I?”

Rocko grunted. “Wouldn’t surprise me if Brock worked it into your contract. He’s got a lot of incentives in them for things categorised as self-improvement.”

“How is he still able to walk? I saw him running like a mad man!” Daniel griped.

“He still got run down,” said Dennis as he put his leg out in front of himself to continue stretching out his shaking muscles.

“Is Trixie from a line of people that fu…” Daniel started to say only to glance at Celia and rethink his words.

Celia huffed at him. “I know what some people get up to! Don’t baby me!” she said grumpily. Which only made her seem younger to Rachel; her puffed-up cheeks were so cute! If Rachel had the strength to raise her hand and hold it steady she would have taken a picture.

“It… usually isn’t viable?” said Bianca with a thoughtful if tired tone. Aaaaaannnnd now they were seriously all thinking about it. Rachel went a little green along with the others.

“Can we talk about something else?” she said hopefully. If they were going to be stuck here until their legs could let them wobble out then she hoped something actually interesting could be discussed.

Celia hummed but Missy slowly turned her head over to face them. “Hey, Rachel, what was up with you and Bianca? I don’t think either of you knew where to look when Brock had his shirt off.”

Celia sat bolt upright, her head snapped to both women with suspicious eyes. Rachel giggled. It was obvious the girl was crushing hard, but Skitty was it cute watching her puff up when people pointed out Brock was fit.

Bianca hummed. “What can I say? They’re beautiful physical specimens.”

Missy grunted “Ewwww you made that sound like you’d stick them in a lab and make them breed.”

“It would be for science?” Bianca said jokingly.

“Brock would never!” hissed Celia.

The adults all shared a look and giggled. Celia was too easy to rile up. Rachel flopped an arm towards her. “We’re just teasing.”

Rocko and Dennis laughed before both got thoughtful looks. “Wouldn’t his fan club get upset…” Rachel gave them an interested look only for Dennis to wave her off.

Missy lolled her head to look at Rachel. “I’m amazed Brock is even capable of halfway keeping up with that woman.”

Rocko raised a finger like a lecturer about to make a point. “While we ate dinner… Trixie trained!” said Rocko sagely.

Rachel stared at him. What the hell had that even meant? Somehow it halfway made sense to her?

Stephen twitched into a sitting position and made a lunge at the water. He landed on the table and got a cup that he slowly drank from. He ignored the vile concoction that Trixie had made up at the start and left for them.

They'd take it… and drink it… because it did result in gains. But not now.

When Stephen finished his drink he spoke up, “Was that a movie quote… or a video game or something?”

Rocko waved his hand. “Nah not a movie quote it’s a Brock quote. I heard him muttering something like that when Trixie started running him down. He sounded a bit manic.”

“Oooooooh!” said the group at large. Then they shared a look.

Celia bit her lip. “While we were sleeping? Trixie was training?” she said hesitantly.

“While we were reading books, Trixie was training!” said Missy, following up on Celia. Rachel giggled, it didn’t hurt as much as before.

“While we were working! Trixie was training!” said Bianca.

This got a ‘meh’ response that had the woman pouting.

“While we were laying about hurting from training… Trixie… was training!” said Rocko ominously.

This got a few laughs before they settled in. Dennis stopped stretching and stood to get his own glass of water only for his leg to spasm on the way forward and for him to collapse to the ground.

“I’m okay!” he said, raising a thumbs up.

“Good old dirt,” Rachel said with a nod. “Nature’s bed.” The others laughed at this.

Daniel adopted a chipper voice that sounded sort of like Trixie if you were half deaf. “Oh! You’re on the ground and ready to do Push-ups! Well, aren’t you a real go-getter! Think you can do six before I can do twenty?! GO!” he said.

Rachel gave a half-hearted laugh at the joke. In truth that had been her a few times and Daniel at least once.

Dennis stood up stiffly. “Think I’m good…” He tested a few steps and then grimaced. “Oh, sweet Machop, I think a newborn pokemon could lay me out for experience right now.” He got his water and was about to sit down when Bianca fluttered her eyelashes.

“Please? Could a gentleman help me out?” said Bianca. Rocko sniggered as Dennis made a conflicted expression. When he collected a cup for Bianca, Rachel sat up and used Mirror Move. It was super effective. When Celia and Missy waved wobbly limbs and chimed “Ditto!” together, he slumped and got them all water.

“““Thank you Dennis!””” chimed the girls.

“Urgh! Whatever!” said Dennis, blushing as he handed out the cups.

“Oh sweet prince!” said Daniel with a falsetto tone. Dennis rolled his eyes and got everyone water then which only made everyone settle in harder into their chairs.

Rachel sighed in contentment. If they had Georgina here, they’d have everyone but the ‘boss’. Which… actually would have been a shame to not include him cause when Brock relaxed he could be pretty fun. Somehow he always felt older though?

Then again, hadn’t she wanted to ask something… She chewed her lip for a bit trying to recall what it was. It was about Brock… something to do with…

“Ah!” She perked up and looked to the people most likely to know. Rocko and Dennis. They had been hired on first hadn’t they? “Uhm hey guys? You know how I only came to Pewter like a year ago?”

“Thought it was two years ago?” said Dennis factually.

Rachel wobbled her hand. “Year and change, but yeah I’m not a local, local, like you guys… so… I have a question that all the locals obviously know about…”

“The bones in the museum are the actual bones of prehistoric pokemon,” said Dennis.

“Taking a girl to Waluigi’s on a Wednesday is a great way to get half-priced food thanks to the date night special!” said Daniel.

“Mt Moon is named because of how the moon rises up over it when you look at it from the founding building in the centre of town,” said Missy, joining in on the game.

“If you see a ghost outside the graveyard don’t call the police, call the ghosties,” chimed Rocko.

“Oh! The Butterfree migration in late summer is best viewable from Mt Moon!” said Celia.

Rachel huffed at them all. “Har har! That was… actually kind of good to know , but not what I meant I wanted answers to!” She sat up properly, ignoring the twinges of pain.

She levelled a stern gaze at the two older gym trainers. “What’s the story with Brock’s parents?”

Instantly, everyone lost their joking atmosphere. You could tell who were locals as they all had conflicting expressions on their faces while the outsiders, namely Stephen, Bianca and herself were watching the others with interest.

Rocko stopped slouching and sat forward, his hands lacing together as he dropped his lazy act. Rachel had spent enough time with him to know he was serious now. He looked straight at her.

“It’s nothing bad… for Brock that is. It’s more amazing really it’s just… Well it’s kinda your everyday parent ditches their partner to keep travelling around, mixed with this being a gym family. So of course everyone was watching it develop and play out. Most just waved it off as your typical tragedy really…” Rocko chewed his lip.

“It’s just that the scope of the issue is a bit more… pronounced.” He rubbed his chin with his hand. The scrape of stubble seemed loud with how silent everyone was now being.

“Right… to understand it you need to know that Brock’s family situation is… well it’s messed up. Lots of people knew this years and years ago. Flint, who if you remember is Brock’s dad, wasn’t actually the person to earn the Gym title. That was Lola, his mother who then married Flint and had him take over the running of the gym. Only Flint fluctuated…” Rocko made a spiking shape with his hand, “Like, a lot. He was either too hard on newbies or not hard enough, there were quite a lot of complaints but you couldn’t oust the guy cause of how he’d gotten the gym.”

Rocko waved his hand around. “That was one issue that was always hanging around. Now the other issue was that Lola was a bit of a party woman and while Flint was working she got seen on a lot of people’s arms at various events.”

Dennis made to say something but Rocko held up a finger. “Now this is all rumour honestly. It’s not worth even the trashiest magazine printing it cause there's no substance or evidence to it. People knew Lola and Flint adored each other. It’s just that Lola liked to go out to big parties and dance, which saw her going with other people, which…” Rocko grimaced. “It didn’t look good and people—”

“Gossipy people with too much time on their hands and nothing better to do,” interjected Dennis with a bark.

Rocko nodded. “Yeah, that. Now some rumours started circulating around and Flint got angry and caused some people’s faces to get bruised. Resulting in a lot of the rich folk ending up with black eyes and being much more respectful after Flint caught up to them but… that kinda caused its own issues with support for the gym drying up.”

Rachel raised a sceptical eye and glanced around at the state-of-the-art facility.

“Nah, this was all made by Brock. He played his odds well and did so well on his journey that he was able to build all this. The old building used to be owned by the local government but Brock bought it before realising he needed more land for his plans.”

“Huh cool, I think that needs to be mentioned more. I’ll have to make up some brochures on this place!” Rachel said, her mind cataloguing this ‘known’ information.

Daniel grunted. “How bad did the rumours get? I never really paid them any mind cause that might have been around the time I was on my journey? Why’d he get into those pokemon battles?”

Dennis and Rocko shared another look. Rocko grimaced and Dennis shook his head emphatically. Rachel tilted her head. They were so bad neither wanted to mention them? Huh might be worth snooping around for. A glance to Missy let her know who she could approach later.

Rocko put both hands down in a chopping action. “So! You’ve got a tense situation all around and a gym that’s being reviewed constantly for fluctuating performance. Then you’ve also got Brock’s rather huge family. If you’ve not stopped and counted them there are ten kids including Brock. So, right as Brock was set to depart for his journey at age ten, Lola runs off while pregnant with the second youngest set of twins… I think?”

Rocko scratched his head. “Don’t quote me on that. So! This happened close to the end of the off-circuit period so for a moment it looked like Brock was going to have to run the gym at age ten! Back then he didn’t even have a starter. He was supposed to get one from Flint, but he had chased after Lola before doing so.”

“But before Brock had to accept any challenges as Gym Leader Lola and Flint had come back, things were still tense. So Brock couldn’t leave for his journey which didn’t raise that many eyebrows, but it must have been a bit of a gut punch to young Brock cause, yeah most kids go on their journey at ten.”

Celia shifted in her seat. Rocko glanced at her. “Most, it’s not that strange to wait until you’re sixteen these days.” This seemed to mollify the soon-to-be fourteen-year-old girl.

Rocko turned back. “Right, I think around this time Brock went on a trip to Mt Silver for some reason…” He glanced at Dennis who shrugged. “Right so when he was ten he got Titan and for another year he stuck around the gym and then convinced his dad to let him go on his journey when he was twelve.

“Brock started his journey, Lola gave birth to her youngest set of twins and then… she ran off again. This time Flint couldn’t chase after her. He had to hold down the fort and there was no one immediately available to replace him. Things apparently got pretty bad. Bad enough that Brock had to end his journey early. This supposedly was a shame cause a lot of his pokemon were able to skirt under the accepted standards for entry into the Hoenn region’s circuit start. So he was coming into tournaments with some pretty strong pokemon and from what I later looked up, he was improving with each tournament. Didn’t matter though cause he had to come back by the third month of the circuit. Brock ended his journey and came home, after which Flint ran off and he took over the gym. For the rest of that year’s circuit, he ran things out of the old gym.” Rocko held up a finger and grinned. “But! He wasn’t just spinning his wheels.”

Rocko shook his head, waving the finger back and forth. “No, he was not. Turns out that while he hadn’t won any of the tournaments he’d been making a lot of money through catching and selling rare pokemon. I think he caught a rare Onix somewhere in Hoenn?”

Dennis shrugged when Rocko looked at him again.

Rocko shrugged and turned back. “Right, well anyway, he had plans for the gym and not just little ones.” Rocko waved a hand about the rather large field as if to point out the giant building that was dedicated to pokemon battling.

Rachel nodded, she’d been impressed when she’d first seen it. Getting more details like this was good and only made her more impressed.

Rocko continued his story. “So that season as soon as the circuit was over, Brock went to work creating this new gym for Pewter. He hired Dennis, and me, and expanded the pokemon we had available to us. Since then, Pewter Gym has been nothing like it used to be. The second circuit for Brock saw him hit the ground running. We had a few little speed bumps, sure, but by the end we had it all smoothed out.” Rocko smiled warmly.

Dennis rolled his shoulders. “For all that Brock is praised for how he fights I don’t think that’s what makes him a good Gym Leader. He’s really smart, you know? He plans ahead and always tries to have contingencies for stuff that could go wrong.”

“Huh,” said Daniel. “Always got a plan eh?” Daniel eyed the gym. “Kid must be swimming in the ladies!”

Dennis frowned at the younger man’s tone. Daniel shrugged. “What?”

Dennis shook his head and said something about ‘your wife won’t like hearing you talk like that’ quietly but Rachel had great ears for hearing little whispers. Her ears twitched as she listened to the by-play.

Rocko ignored Daniel and continued to address the group. “Well, anyway, that’s pretty much the whole… thing you wanted to know about yeah? It’s something that happened a number of years ago but it’s still causing issues and is really messy which is why it’s a big…” He waved vaguely. “Thing, that Flint is looking to return.”

Rachel nodded. “Thanks that uhmm, wasn’t what I was expecting to hear.”

“Thought Brock’s Mum was dead and Flint just ran off?” Rocko asked with a knowing expression.

Rachel shrugged. “Well I mean it’s not unusual for one parent to run off… But both of them?”

Rocko nodded. Celia sniffed and Rachel stiffened. Oh! Right, she had forgotten about Celia not having any parents hadn’t she? She shot the girl an apologetic look which drew a smile of thanks.

Bianca looked thoughtful before a frown marred her face. “Wait! She would have almost had to leave within a year of giving birth to Tilly and Billy? Surely that’s not right?”

Rocko grimaced and shook his head. “Nope you’re math is right. Brock’s family has always been a source of gossip in Pewter.”

Dennis rolled his shoulders. “We don’t talk about it with non-gym members if we’re asked anything.” He narrowed his eyes around at the entire group.

Daniel held up a hand. “The cops thought Brock ran things well enough then that he could…” he trailed off as Dennis glared.

The older man nodded slowly. “Not anyone’s business, but yes. The cops did check in on him.” His eyes flickered to Celia for a moment and Rachel understood that the whole. ‘Orphanage’ situation was something the man was trying to skirt.

Rachel coughed, happy to lend a hand and lead the conversation elsewhere. “Right! Thanks for telling me. It’s good to know about.” when Dennis turned his gaze upon her she held up her hands to indicate that she’d never spread around what she’s learned.

Dennis grunted when he’d gotten some form of agreement from everyone, “Well just be careful, as employees of the gym we might get asked something. Alright?”

The group nodded as one. Celia even gave an ‘Uhn!’ of agreement.

Rachel didn’t have the heart to tease her for her cute reactions. “Well… sorry for asking about that but I’m kind of glad I did. This sort of potential fiasco might be something I have to deal with as PR Manager. I’ll keep a closer eye on the reporters and what the magazines talk about.”

Rocko and Dennis nodded. Missy sniffed, “They won’t say anything, Brock was a golden boy in Pewter before he beat Lance.”

This got some agreed murmurs from the group at large before a rather heavy silence settled over the group. Each person had something they were thinking about.

Stephen eventually shifted about, giving the group a tentative look over. “While we were feeling down and sad… Trixie was training?”

Rachel snorted at the attempt and the others shared a little laugh. “Nice one Stephen,” she said, appreciating the attempt to lighten the mood.

Daniel sniffed. “I have a question now.”

Everyone looked to him only to see him staring towards the stands to the side where Chansey was still watching them. “Why did Brock get a pokemon to nurse us back to health only to have her just stand there watching us? A healing pulse would have done wonders earlier!”

Dennis chuckled. “Using Healing pulse doesn’t let the muscles hypertrophy so you actually lose your gains if you do it that way. It’s all pain, no gain. So she’s actually doing the right thing by not helping us.”

“Well, couldn’t she have nursed us a little? Gotten us some water?” Daniel said in annoyance.

“Nah she’s not like that. She’s only going to help you when you actually need it,” said Dennis.

“Urgh! The worst Chansey ever!” said Daniel. Rachel could have sworn she saw the pinkette pokemon glare at Daniel before standing with a sniff and marching off.

“Uh oh. You hurt her feelings…” said Celia.

“I think she’s going to remember that Daniel…” said Missy. Daniel merely rolled his eyes. Rachel glanced over to see Chansey still watching them and shaking her tiny cute fist at Daniel.

Dennis and Rocko stood up and tested their legs.

Rachel decided to copy them. Her legs wobbled. Rocko rolled his shoulders. “Well I don't know about you guys but I’m gonna see if my new pal is up for hanging out and playing some Smash. Catch you all later!”

Learning about what the hell was up with Brock’s frankly messed up family situation was well it was good to know. She was glad she hadn’t had to demand Brock tell her… that would have been awkward to get from the source.

Celia muttered something about Professor Oak that Rachel only caught half of. Stephen looked amused for some reason while Bianca merely shook her head. The people that were living in the gym headed off and Rachel envied them for not having to go far.

She tilted her head. Surely she’d heard that wrong?

There was no way Professor Oak was coming over to hang out with Rocko to play a video game was there? She shook her head. Nah. No way. She wobbled for the gym showers. She’d try for home after a nice long soak. On the way out she grabbed up her shake that Trixie had mixed up.

She wasn’t about to waste the woman’s efforts on her. She took a tentative sip and blanched at the flavour. No pain, no gain.

Rocko yawned as he walked out into the open area behind the gym a few days later. He popped his pokeballs back onto his belt and his team emerged around him. Spunky the Gloom copied his trainer with a yawn. Fanfare, his Pidgeotto, fluttered straight up into the sky where he circled around and stretched his wing while Bighead, the Kangaskhan, rumbled in greeting. His emergence caused a number of pokemon around the gym to perk up at the perceived challenge only to settle down when an older Onix greeted Bighead.

Rocko still didn’t understand why Brock had been disappointed when he’d introduced him to Spunky and Bighead. Then again Brock had plenty of quirks.

Such as wrestling his pokemon in the morning and calling it a simple work out.

Dude was crazy strong.

Rocko watched Brock manhandle a Graveller before calling a stop to the training. Then he walked over to the assembled pack of Aron and held up a thick chain. Instantly all the Aron barked in joy as the new game of tug of war began with Brock anchoring himself against the small pack.

The sound of playful growling broke out and Rocko chuckled as the Aron started to slowly drag Brock around the field. Their tiny bodies vibrated with glee at the game. The ground rumbled mid-game, announcing a new player joining in as Brock’s Knight shoved his unevolved forms out of the way to snatch at the chain and begin towing Brock around the field.

Rocko snorted a laugh as Brock grinned. The Aron threw themselves onto Brock’s side not at all bothered by the way the game changed. If anything they looked gleeful that Knight had joined them. The mighty Aggron’s tail whipped back and forth.

“Like giant Growlithe, the lot of them,” Rocko said aloud.

A door opened behind him and Rocko turned to see Dennis marching out carrying a few sacks of feed with ‘pokechow rock type’ written across the sides. On each elbow a bucket with a number of berries also hung. Rocko glanced at his own trio of buckets and sacks of pokechow.

“Morning, Dennis!” he said with a slow wave.

Dennis grunted his own “Mornin!” as he trudged up to the feed troughs.

A group of Golem were already set up in front of one. The most eye-catching of the lot, Sanchez, waved. His head now sporting a mohawk that was oddly square while he had a faint handlebar moustache.

“Looking good Sanchez,” Rocko said as he opened up a pokechow bag. From his bucket he selected some Oran, Pecha and bluk berries that he used a large metal spoon to mix into the upright trough. The pokemon bowed over it. Then they looked to Sanchez. Rocko had been interested to learn that the Golem line had an almost formal arrangement with how they ate when in groups. As the strongest, Sanchez was expected to always eat first if he was present. Despite having an entirely different diet, he still had to make a show for the other Golem.

He’d get his own highly specialised meal from Brock later. As an Elite he needed something beyond the ‘rank and file’ the Gym pokemon received.

He took a handful of the pokechow and ate, giving a show of thinking it over before nodding happily at Rocko.

“Back it up! Back it up!” growled Dennis to the Onix that were knocking into each other. Unlike the Golem line, the Onix didn’t have any traditions concerning order. Rocko jogged over to help out, you usually had to be quick with them lest they have little scuffles over their larger food trays.

Dennis and Rocko worked quickly, well used to the routine of feeding a host of pokemon.

When they were done there was a chorus of pokemon happily devouring food and occasional scuffles breaking out as greedy pokemon tried for more.

The gluttonous pokemon were quickly herded away by Spunky or Bighead, with Fanfare calling out the locations of the troublemakers.

Dennis stretched himself out, groaning as his back cracked into place. Rocko yawned again. “Late night?” he said as a way of starting a conversation with his fellow ‘senior’ gym trainer.

“Urgh, kids were a bit unsettled and Martha needed me to go get eggplant for some reason at two in the morning… She was asleep when I got back.”

“That’s rough bro,” Rocko said sympathetically.

Dennis shrugged. “Eh, It’s alright.” he rolled his shoulders as Brock ran away from the pack of Aron with the metal chain over his shoulder. Behind him, Knight held his hands over his head like a child counting to ten before he gave chase. When he reached high enough he gave pursuit as well causing a shaking with his bounding huge steps after the fleeing Brock.

They both watched their Gym Leader run away. Rocko yawned again. Dennis rubbed his chin and shot him a sidelong look. Rocko smiled invitingly. Any second now…

“So, what do you think about the new hires?” Dennis said carefully.

Rocko hummed. “I think they’re pretty good, they should make things easier.”

“Don’t you think they’ll complicate things?” Dennis asked carefully.

Rocko shrugged. “The gym’s gonna be pretty popular. I think this is just Brock anticipating that. He’s got a full crew on these days. I think Georgina is a great hire honestly cause if you haven’t noticed Brock isn’t having to do much paperwork lately.”

Dennis considered that as Knight ran past with the chain trailing after him from his mouth. The Aron in hot pursuit. Rocko and Dennis looked around to find Brock being tripped up by Bertha who was wallowing in a mudpit she’d apparently claimed as her own.

“He does look like he’s more relaxed these days,” Dennis said. He then shifted. “What about the others?”

“Bethany… well she’s old but she knows her business, but I think I’m gonna have to tap Brock on the shoulder and tell him to get her some hearing aides.”

Dennis coughed. “I hadn’t thought of that… will that mean he even needs Alexa then?”

“Eh, having two receptionists just means a lighter load for them,” Rocko said.

“And you’re all for a lighter load of work.” Dennis’ words were teasing but the grin he had took any sting they might have had out.

Rocko shrugged. “What can I say, I don’t dream of labour?”

Dennis snorted. Rocko assessed the shorter but more thickset man. “Why do you ask? Is there something bugging you about the new hires?”

Dennis worked his jaw. “I don’t like how sometimes Daniel says some things about the girls or the women. Feels like he’s still a skirt chaser despite having a wife and kid on the way.”

Rocko hummed. “I can see how you might find that… offensive?” he said carefully.

Dennis nodded tightly. “I love my wife and kids and to have him acting like that. Hnnn!” he shook his head. “Just rubs me the wrong way.”

“Eh you don’t have to be social with him. This is work after all,” Rocko said.

“Yeah, yeah it’s just… it’s a big change from last season. Guess I got used to things being just you, me, and Brock officially on the roster.

“Don’t forget Forrest and sometimes Yolanda,” Rocko said cheerfully.

“They’re like part-timers… or casuals?” Dennis said.

“Well those casuals technically take over if something happens to Brock,” Rocko said, pointing out how the chain of command actually worked with the Gym being owned by Brock. Family would come first. They both glanced over to find Brock rolling Bertha around in the mud. The giant heavy pokemon laughing like a school girl and her friend relaxing in a pool rather than a pokemon and trainer rolling around in the mud.

“Well let’s hope nothing happens there,” Dennis said loyally.

Rocko nodded, agreeing with the sentiment. He lolled his head back to Dennis, “Hey, speaking of the new hires what do you think of the others?”

Dennis hummed in thought. “Rachel is a go-getter and I think she’ll be almost as much of a reason for us having a huge number of trainers to face next circuit as Brock’s showing with Lance. She’s really getting out there and getting Brock out there as well.”

Dennis rubbed his chin. “I… don’t really have any strong thoughts on Missy. She’s solid as a worker and taking things on but yeah I think she’s here to learn and become stronger for the Ace circuit?”

Rocko shrugged. “I think she doesn't know what she wants to do but as things go this is pretty good as a job.”

From the cave system, Bianca emerged with her lab coat on and a giant blue glove. In her arms, she carried a large carry case with fluids that sloshed as she walked.

Dennis and Rocko shared looks before deciding as one that they didn’t want to talk about what might be in those carry cases. Instead, they opted for the safer of the two Researchers that had joined the gym.

“Stephen’s not really an employee but he’s a nice guy. Very focussed on his research when he’s on the clock, but he still tries to fit in.”

“He’s still trash at Smash,” Rocko said with a laugh.

Dennis huffed. “Can’t believe you’re friends with Professor Oak.”

“How long before Rachel works out I wasn’t kidding about him being cool?” Rocko said with a grin.

“Nnnnn another week?” Dennis said after giving it a moment’s thought. They watched Brock emerge like a swamp beast from the mud only to squelch over the fence. He called something out and from the other side of the fence, a wave of water cascaded over to clean off the mud.

“Thanks, Shrek!” shouted Brock as he jogged over to Rocko and Dennis. “Hey guys! Got everyone fed up?” he said as he moved over to the feed shed for his own pokemon teams special blend.

Rocko and Dennis gave their own greetings and affirmatives. Rocko leaned on the doorway as Brock began mixing berries and nuts into various mixers. “Hey Brock any word on where Celia is going to go?”

Brock shook his head. Sending droplets of water out with the act, “Nah, It's something I’ve been meaning to talk to her about, but gotta get the others up to scratch. She say anything to you?”

“Nope, just seeing if she was going to stick around here.”

“Nah, I think she needs to be enjoying her trip. I’m thinking of seeing how she feels about Hoenn. I loved the few months I had in Hoenn and I think it would be good for her.”

Rocko and Dennis shared a look before deciding not to comment on the journey that had been cut short. Most Ace trainers these days had at least two or three years before they tried their hands at the pro-circuit or more.

Brock began packing up meals into a bag for his team. He shot them a smirk. “Oh also Jackson is coming back soon and he’s looking to work with us this year.”

Rocko and Dennis perked up at that. Dennis shot Rocko a sly smirk. “He gonna be back in time for Trixie’s workouts?”

Brock’s laugh was dark, as were Dennis and Rocko’s grins.

Rocko watched Brock head off into the cave system. “Ah, our fellow senior gets to join us in suffering.”

Dennis nodded, his eyes staring into the distance. “It’s good to know there’s justice in the world.”

Rocko snorted and a moment later Dennis joined him. The pair headed back into the gym. They had other jobs to do for the day but it was a good day to be a Pewter Gym Trainer.
