Hey Everyone!

Okay. That glorious time known as publication day is almost upon us for Unintended Cultivator Volume 2. As per Amazon's exclusivity rules, I need to take down most of Volume 2. I will leave the approximately 10% allowed as a sample on here and mark the volume as a stub. I'm planning to do that on March 8, 2024, approximately four days ahead of publication. So, if you want to read the rough-ish draft version of Volume Two on here, you have until then.

As for the official Amazon release, you can put in a pre-order for the ebook over here.Stolen content alert: this content belongs on Royal Road. Report any occurrences.

It will also be available on Kindle Unlimited. Fun fact about Kindle Unlimited, even if you download the ebook and don't open it, it still helps with the rankings. So, I'd be super grateful for anyone who downloads it.

I didn't make a big announcement on here about it before, but Unintended Cultivator Volume 1 is now available in audiobook form over on Audible. If you prefer hearing your books, you can grab that here. We managed to snag Adam Verner as the narrator, and he did a great job!

Okay, that's enough talking from the writer monkey.



Also, here's the official cover for Volume Two.
