The stadium is almost empty now, and the shielding that lined the large dome in the middle of the arena is shut down and not buzzing with power at all anymore.

We walk over to the far side of the ring together, near where the announcer's stand is, and just like on the far side of the ring, there's an exit back into the city. However, instead of regular stone arching doors that lead out to the silver city section, there's a single golden gate with Mr. Wright standing nearby, typing in a code on a small tablet next to the door.

"Alright, everyone just scan your wristbands here and you're free to enter the golden gates. I'm sure you can all afford to stay out late, so there's no point in warning you it's getting close to midnight."

Max is the first to scan his wristband.

The golden door opens with a click, then Sia and Ace proceed to do the same before walking through.

I bring my wrist to the silver tablet held by Mr. Wright and he gives me a nod as I follow them.

Once the golden gate closes behind me, I murmur under my breath.


"That was surprisingly easy..."

At the same moment, I reach beneath my cloak and take the ring of concealment I bought from out of town and place it on a free finger. My appearance changes in an instant, and the dark black suit and formal wear cover my body.

I even take off my mask but leave my concealment skill activated in order to shift my face to be a generic version of a city-goer in the area, but keep my black hair the same.

Max turns back as we walk forward into the town.

He pauses for half a second before replying as this is the first time he's seen me without my gear on or a mask, but doesn't comment on it. He directly answers my question of why it's so easy to enter the inner walls of the city.

"Technically we're all independent contractors. As fighters, our security clearance is much more lax than the average visitor."


I nod to myself as this makes sense and take in the view of the shops and crowds of new people that go about their nightly shopping routines under the bright mana-imbued streetlights that illuminate the town in a soft yellow glow.

It almost feels as if we're inside. The lights perfectly balance with the outside ambiance, making it easy to forget that the dark sky and twinkling stars are above us.

A light hum sounds in my ears as we walk closer to the shops, and I immediately see what's causing it. The sidewalks on both sides of the middle stone road are moving on their own.

Many businessmen, women in high-class dresses, and established hunters in phenomenal looking gear stand on the moving walkways examining the items visible through crystal clear glass windows in the shops.

At closer inspection, I use my appraisal skill and see items in every single shop window that could easily be sold at the Solaran Auction house as a top 10 item.

Every store in this section of the town has small fortunes for sale and up for display.

By the looks of many wristbands that glimmer gold and platinum as the 4 of us board one of the nearest moving sidewalks, everyone walking these streets has the capabilities of buying the items in the passing shops.

"What a different way of life this is..." I unconsciously whisper under my breath.

Sia leans in with her arms crossed, but her eyes are pointed at the glass displays of the passing buildings.

"This is really your first time in the city, isn't it? You may dress the part, but you're definitely not from around here."

I gulp softly but reply honestly. There's no reason to lie.

"Yeah, I've traveled quite a way to get here. I'm looking for a few friends. There's a good chance I'll be able to find them here if I look around for long enough."

She laughs.

"Well, I won't pry. But, we owe you one. I'm sure after tonight's performance, there will be many more high rollers coming out to watch tomorrow's show."

Ace smirks and turns around.

"True. I made quite the killing tonight. After that performance you put on, I wouldn't be surprised if the average betting size doubles tomorrow. Dinner's on me."

Sia slaps him on the back in a friendly way.

"Alright! That's what I'm talking about!"

Max points across the street as the moving sidewalk rounds a corner and he steps off onto the solid road.

"We're here. Welcome to The Moon Bar, Elen's place."

As we all step off and approach, faint calming music begins to play through the street and it only gets louder and more beautiful as the red doors of an exquisite restaurant come into view.

A woman in a red robe with white skin and white hair walks out to greet us, and Ace is the first to put out his hand with his wristband up in the air.

"A table for 4, I'll pay in advance for the premium service."

A transaction of 20 gold credits takes place between the two platinum wristbands and the woman nods gently with a thin smile.

"Very well esteemed guests. Welcome back, please follow me to your table."

She turns and walks through the red doors, and as soon as we follow inside, I can feel a shift in the air pressure. The mana density in here is far greater than outside. As I activate my all-seeing eye, it's clear as day the air is full of pure dense mana particles and they're passing through everyone.

The restaurant is large inside with floating orbs of red, white, and purple light in the air. Each table seating is far enough from each other than noise does not travel between them well. It's at most a muffled chatter.

The air feels crisp and relaxing. At the level of skill and mana control I'm at, even without consciously attempting to absorb MP, the environment around me naturally re-ups my bar to full and constantly fills me with a rejuvenating feeling.

"A premium booth with your personal tree of life. Order as much as you'd like, the bill is already covered."

A circular red booth, the same hue as the doors, comes into view and behind it, a faintly white glowing tree no more than 3 meters tall. It's purple blossoming branches curve over the top of our seating, and the feeling of fresh rejuvenating energy entering my body becomes even stronger. With my perception skills all still on high, it's clear that this tree is what is putting out about a thousand MP into the air every minute from the flowers blooming on its branches.

As we take our seat, I sense 3 other trees on opposite corners of the large open room doing the same thing and other guests are spending their night here too.

The moment we sit, blue menu screens pop up in front of us from our wristbands on the table.

Simultaneously, other screens with options for drinks and other items and services pop up. Each of them has the option to X them out at any time. Most options are already paid in full by the premium service fee Ace paid in advance. However, one of the largest screens catches my eye. It isn't a screen to buy anything, it is one that looks more like free entertainment, or the news.

My eyes widen as I realize exactly what's playing on the screen. It's a picture perfect display of my final fight against the Ghoul in the fight area from less than an hour ago.

I watch my black blade covered in a red aura slice right through the Ghoul's silver sword and disintegrate its orange aura in slow motion over and over again. Each time, the angle shifts and the final strike is examined from every possible side. The program flashes to a man with a charismatic smile as he begins to go over the fight play by play for an audience like this is a nightly sports re-cap program.
