Chapter 439  

How could he do this to us?

Yulius kicked the pebble on the ground while pouting.

How could he leave without giving us time to say goodbye?

He frowned while thinking about Rector and Mustan, who he only had time to say goodbye to before they left because of how late they told him about their departure.

Frustration was welling up inside him like a tidal wave because hed gotten so close to them despite the short time theyd spent together.



Yulius waved his hand at Yua, who was adjusting her clothes after her training.

Why are you so quiet? Arent you sad that Sir Rector left?

Im sad.

Yua nodded gently.

But there mustve been circumstances around it. I couldnt hear any the sound of a lie.

Sound of a lie?


Yes. His heartbeat was mild and serene.

She told him that there were definitely some circumstances around it, and he mustve had no choice.

I also dont think that they lied about it. Its just regrettable

Yulius sighed deeply.

Because he reminded me of my grandfather, who I havent been able to see in a long time.

He felt like he was training his swordsmanship with his deceased grandfather the closer he got to Rector, and that was why he was so saddened by their quick departure.

Same goes for me. But we should be able to see them again, so we need to endure it.

Yua smiled cheerfully and walked towards the annex buildings garden.

Where are you going?

The young master isnt coming back even though its dinner time. Im going to fetch him.

She told Yulius to wait inside before running outside the annex building.

He skips meals all the time if I dont go get him.

Raon was the type of person who even forgot about meals if he was too focused on training.

Even though he shouldve been hungry, he was going to train until late at night once again if left alone.

Hes such a handful Hmm?

As Yua was heading towards the fifth training ground after leaving the garden, a pouch suddenly dropped from the sky.

It was an luxurious, orange colored pouch the size of an adult mans palm.

What is this?

She tilted her head while picking up the pouch. She looked around, but she couldnt find anything special about it.

How did it happen?

There was no buildings or trees around her, and the weather wasnt even windy. She couldnt understand how the pouch ended up falling there.

She thought it was strange as she opened the orange pouch.

The pouch was filled with a sword, armor, gloves, boots, various books, cooking utensils, and dozens of pineapples compressed into small shapes.

It wasnt an ordinary pouch but a subspace pocket.


Yua tightly closed her lips while closing the pouch.

I need to return it to its owner.

It wouldnt have mattered if it were an empty and ordinary pocket, but it was a subspace pocket and was completely full. She could guess that the owner mustve been looking for it.

She thought that she should tell Raon about it and increased her speed to run towards the fifth training ground.


Yua opened the training grounds door and entered. Raon was standing at the center and was reading a book that she didnt recognize.

Young master!

Ah, Yua.

Raon smiled faintly upon noticing Yua.

What brought you here at this hour?

What else?! I came to fetch you because I was worried you would skip meals again!

Yua wrinkled her nose while putting her hands on her hips.

Maam also asked me to bring you back no matter what!


Raon laughed weakly while looking at Yua, whose chin was jutted out.

Why are you laughing?!

My bad, you were too cute.

He unconsciously laughed because her frown, which he hadnt seen in a long time, was just so cute.

He quickly apologized and placed the Azure Sky Sword book into his clothes.


Raon was cleaning up the surroundings when Wrath suddenly raised his head and sniffled.

Pineapple Girl is as nice as always. Shes the only one who takes care of the King of Essence!

Wrath ground his teeth, saying that he wouldve starved again if it wasnt for Yua.

Shes taking care of me, though, not you.

Shut up! Thats what you call kindness! Your shitty geezer doesnt apply!

He shook his plump hand, telling him to get it right.

The person who gives me a book of martial arts is kinder than the one who gives food in my perspective.

Raon slapped Wraths fat belly away and walked up to Yua, who was standing nearby imposingly.

Yes, lets go. I got hungry after I heard that from you When he was about to tell her that they should return to the annex building, he noticed the luxurious pouch Yua was holding in her hand.

What is that?

Ah, I think someone lost it.

Was it lost?

Yes, I picked it up on the way here a moment ago

Yua told Raon about how she got the pouch.

Can you give it to me for a moment?

Yes! Please return it to its owner!

Ill do it if possible.

Raon accepted the pouch from Yua and examined it.

Its a subspace pocket, just like I thought.

He looked inside and saw that it was filled with various objects.

Moreover, they were clothes that would be perfect on Yua, equipment like a weapon and armor, cooking utensils, and even pineapples.

They almost looked like they were prepared for Yuas sake. But why can I feel some mana from outside the pocket?

He thought it was strange and tried to imbue a small amount of aura into the pouch.


A faint golden light radiated outside the pouch, and the name Yua appeared.

Huh? Is that my name?

It looks like it belongs to you.

What? But I didnt get anything like this though

Considering that it fell on your head, it is indeed yours.


Yuas lips parted. She looked like she hadnt even considered the possibility that it was hers.

Its just my guess, but

Raon smiled faintly while returning the pouch to Yua.

A certain kind-hearted person mustve given it to you.

* * *

* * *

Raon was resting in his room after dinner when he heard two knocks.

You can enter.

He immediately told her to enter, since hed figured out who was outside the door through her presence.

The door opened smoothly, and Sylvia entered the room with a small wooden box in her hand.

Can I come inside for a moment?

You are already inside, though.

Yeah, I asked just in case.

Sylvia chuckled and sat on the chair next to the bed. She placed the wooden box she brought with her on the table.

Your room never changes.

She sighed deeply after looking around the room.

What do you mean by that?

I decorated it when you were a baby, and it hasnt changed at all since then. Theres no difference whatsoever. Dont you ever get the urge to try decorating your room?


Raon licked his lips and looked around the room.

His room was a bit too bright despite his personality, probably because of his nameRaonand the fact that he used to be called Sunshine at one point. However, he didnt find it bad.

Not really. Decorating the room is a lot of work for no reason.

Haa, your mom is so sad because her son is no fun. Its a relief that I have Yua and Yulius with me.

Sylvia frowned, asking him to play along sometimes.


Raon nodded with a faint smile on his face.

So, what brought you here? You couldve told me during dinner.

Guess what this is.

Sylvia tapped the wooden box on the table with her finger.

Is it an elixir?

Since elixirs were mostly put into wooden boxes like that, his guess was naturally an elixir.

Yes. Moreover, its an extraordinary elixir.

Sylvia swallowed nervously and opened the box.

There were two small glass bottles inside, and they contained translucent milky white liquid.


Raon opened the cap. The fragrance brushing past his nose was sweet enough to make his mind feel fuzzy.

Milky white color and sweet fragrance? Could this be?

Raons chin trembled as he looked at the glass bottle once again.

Yes, its the Fairys Tear.

I knew it

Hed guessed right. The Fairys Tear was the only elixir with that color and fragrance.

I never thought I would get to see the Fairys Tear.

Despite the name, the Fairys Tear wasnt related to fairies. The energy of the world gathered in deep caves that were untouched by humans and was condensed into liquid. It became the highest-grade elixir. It was rumored that a single drop could bring good health and longevity.

Why do you have this, mother?

Sir Rector left it behind.


Raons eyes widened. He was honestly even more surprised than when shed taken out the Fairys Tear.

Helen found it in a corner while cleaning up Sir Rectors room. I wanted to return it to him, but he has already left

Sylvia shook her head, saying that the gift he left was far too good.

Wasnt there anything like a letter?

There was. There wasnt anything special written in it though. He just thanked us for the enjoyable time he had.

She showed him a small note. Just like shed said, a short sentence was written on it, mentioning that he enjoyed the stay.

But we enjoyed it just as much as he did

Sylvia sighed deeply, saying that she shouldve been the one to thank him.

I agree. Raon nodded while watching Sylvia bite her lip.

Shes right. He helped us a lot more than we did for him.

Rector had taught swordsmanship to everyone in the Light Wind division, allowed them to learn more about what kind of person Glenn was, and brought a smile to Sylvia and the childrens faces.

Since Rector had done way more than Raon did for him, the Fairys Tear was an excessive gift.


Sylvia lowered her voice while fiddling with the wooden box.


This is just my guess, but

She hesitated for a long time before she finally decided, her lips parting slowly.

Sir Rector might be related to your father.

Sylvia touched her dry lips with her finger.

You mustve also heard him say that he wasnt related, but I think he was lying. Sir Rector keeps reminding me of your father whenever I see him.

He reminds you of my father?

Actually, I had this thought the first time I saw him. I wondered if your dad has actually survived and returned to us after getting older.

She laughed bitterly. She whispered that shed really thought that even though it mustve sounded like a lie.

Now that I think about it

Raon remembered the way Sylvia was staring blankly at Rectors face for a while during the first encounter.

And the Fairys Tear confirms my suspicion. Sir Rector must be related to your father. I cant jump to conclusions, but hes most likely your fathers family or relative.

Sylvia furrowed her brow, saying that it was the only way to explain his behavior of leaving such a precious elixir behind.

I agree with you.

Raon nodded while meeting Sylvias eyes.

And he is going to tell us what kind of relationship it was once he returns.

I wonder, I think hes not going to tell us

No, he is going to tell us.

Rectors eyes werent those of a liar. Since hed said that he would explain it to him, he was definitely going to return and tell him the truth.

Lets wait a little.


Raon reassured Sylvia with a faint smile on his face, and Wrath called out to him with serious eyes.


It was a rare occasion for the cotton candy to make such a serious face.

Whats the matter?

Raon nervously looked downwards because he had a feeling Wrath was about to give some information about Rector.

That liquid.

Wrath licked his lips while looking at the Fairys Tear.


It looks like it would be sweet and great for quenching the thirst. Put it in your mouth right now!

I was gravely mistaken. The only time a useless glutton gets serious is when he is being a useless glutton.

* * *

The next morning, Raon went to the fifth training ground after memorizing the contents of the Azure Sky Sword book all night long.

It's far more difficult than I thought.

He could understand why Glenn was trying to personally teach him.

The Azure Sky Sword wasnt just an advanced technique but an extremely elaborate one that required enlightenment. Glenn mustve hoped that Raon would become a Grandmaster from completing the Azure Sky Sword.

Im just thankful for his expectations.

Saying that he was thankful wasnt enough to describe his feelings, as Glenn had personally taught him the swords principles, and had even given him such an excellent book. The only way to show gratitude was to do his best at learning the Azure Sky Sword so that he wouldnt disappoint Glenn.


Raon drew Heavenly Drive. He tried all twenty-six techniques of the Azure Sky Sword as slowly as a toddling baby. The form itself wasnt too difficult to imitate thanks to the Ring of Fire, but there was no way he could achieve the true Azure Sky Sword.

He told me to incorporate the sky. Moreover, a sky of my own. The sky

When he thought about it, he felt like hed watched the sky quite a lot in order to clear away his frustration. Because Derus Robert was holding him by a leash, watching the sky that was the definition of freedom used to quench his thirst.

On the other hand, the sky hed seen in his current life was heavier. Hed been resolving himself to become as unshakable as the sky that was the same no matter where he watched it from.

An extensive freedom and an unchanging heaviness.

They were two unmatched concepts, but it was the best way to honestly describe his feelings.

Raon closed his eyes and clenched his fist.

I need to incorporate both freedom and heaviness.

The most important part of learning an advanced martial art was to stay true to oneself. Since his previous life and current life were both a part of him, he guessed that the correct answer was to bring both of them forward instead of choosing one.

I really learned a lot thanks to them.

It was all thanks to Glenn and Rectors teachings allowing him to broaden his horizon that he could begin to guess how to learn the Azure Sky Sword.

Just as Raon was about to resume practicing the Azure Sky Sword once again, someone hurriedly opened the training grounds door. He thought it might be the team leaders, but it was unexpectedly Dorian who entered the training ground.

Vice division leader! A terrible incident has occurred!

Dorian breathed roughly, a bunch of crumbs around his mouth revealing that hed been eating some snacks before he arrived. He said it was a terrible incident, but he didnt look trustworthy at all with the way he looked.

What happened? If you are just trying to make the supplies an even number like the last time

The Warring Steel division

Raon scoffed it off as a trivial matter and was about to resume his training, but his arm froze as Dorian continued.

The Warring Steel division went missing!

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