Chapter 432  

After the conversation was over, Raon guided Rector and Mustan to the guest room in the annex building.

Thank you.

Rector slowly nodded while thanking him for their warm treatment of an uninvited guest who didnt even bring any gift.

I have received a lot more from you.

Rector had caught House Ariannes runaway executives and taught him swordsmanship with his best efforts.

Even though he said that he didnt give anything, Raon had received priceless treasures from him.


The most helpful part was the spar.

He managed to survive Envys attack thanks to the enlightenment hed gotten from Rectors murderous strike.

He couldve become a corpse at Stallin Mountain if that hadnt happened.

Please dont say that. Youve truly helped me a lot. And

Raon continued while looking into Rectors eyes, which seemed frustrated for some reason.

Please speak to me more casually. Weve travelled together for a while already, and its inconvenient to help my training like that.



Rectors lips trembled faintly. He seemed to be contemplating it with various thoughts in his mind.

That should be the correct course of action. Alright.

He nodded while saying that he would speak casually in the future.

That finally puts me at ease. Thank you.

Raon smiled faintly and clenched his lowered hand into a fist.

Im still not sure what I should do.

Since he couldnt feel any malice from Rector, he couldnt tell whether he should investigate him or wait until he told him on his own.

He wouldve investigated by any means if he showed hostile emotions like Mustan, but he could only feel the bitterness and regret from Rector, which made him unable to decide.

Have a good rest.


He sighed in his mind and was about to leave, but Rector raised his hand.

I know you find it strange. Id like you to wait, as Ill be able to tell you everything soon enough.

Composure was shining from Rectors eyesas if he was telling him that he knew what he was thinking.

I still remember that you said yet in the past. Ill be waiting until you are ready.

He figured that an ordinary person without an assassins memory would say that, so he used that as an excuse.

Rector stared at him quietly before he nodded.

Thank you.

Ill be taking my leave.

One more thing.

As Raon was about to close the door, Rector extended his arm outside.

Are you planning to train tomorrow again?

Im going to do my daybreak training in the training ground since theres no reason to rest.

Theres no reason to rest, huh? I see.

Rector slowly nodded and returned to his room.

Raon closed his eyes while standing in front of Rectors room.

I didnt expect him to tell me before I asked, but my guess was right.

It became as clear as the sky. Rector was unable to say it for some reason, but he was definitely related to his dead father.

Raon organized the information about Rector in his head on his way back to his room. The room was exactly the same as before hed left, probably because the maids had been cleaning it the whole time.


Raon sighed and took off the Black Dragon Coat. He could understand why people said home sweet home. He felt at ease just from being in his room.

They talked so damn much!

Wrath frowned, saying that they were talking way too much.

Human mouths are so light, just like how weak they are. Even in Devildom, the King of Essence has always been famous for being reticent and having a mouth as close as an oyster. He never even opened his mouth unless it was absolutely necessary. Thats why he was also called the demon king of silence. The reason the other demon kings fear the King of Essence

Raon furrowed his brow while looking at Wrath, who was barraging him with words. He couldnt understand how he even called himself the demon king of silence when he was just talking endlessly.

Werent they calling you the demon king of silence because they wanted to shut your mouth for a second?

Not at all!

Wrath scowled, scoffing it off as if it was nonsense.

It must be true, considering how agitated you are.

Its not true! The King of Essence is the heaviest demon king in Devildom

Are you sure you werent called heaviest because you ate too much?

Argh! You arrogant bastard

Raon heard three knocks as he was making fun of Wrath while poking his reddened face. It was Judiels signal.


The door opened smoothly as soon as he spoke, and Judiel entered the room.

Greetings. Its been a while.

Judiel went on her knees and lowered her head. It was a submissive greeting to her master instead of as a maid.

I told you that you dont need to do that.

Im doing it because I want to.

Raon shook his hand, but she told him to not mind her because she did it of her own free will.

Are you doing well?

Yes. The annex building feels like my home now.

Judiel nonchalantly declared and nodded.


Raon smiled faintly while looking at Judiels peaceful face. He felt at ease because she seemed to have taken a liking to the annex building even though she used to be unable to find a place where she belongedjust like himself in his previous life.

Did anything special happen?

Not really, so far.

Its going to happen in the future.

What do you mean?

Judiel tilted her head, asking what he meant. The head of house and Sir Rector kept complimenting me in the audience chamber.

Thats understandable since you defeated the Specter from Eden.

She nodded, saying that it was only natural.

Yes. Its understandable. I even got a golden tablet.

Raon took out the golden tablet that Glenn had given him. It felt slightly heavier than the previous golden tablet for some strange reason.

However, there were two people who shouldnt have remained silent, but they were.

Are you talking about the Central Martial Palace master and the True Martial Palace master?

Judiel understood his meaning at once and mentioned Karoon and Balder. That was the reason why Raon liked to talk to Judiel.

In the past, Karoon and Balder wouldve immediately argued that a golden tablet was too much of a reward, but they remained silent.

They shouldve argued because they had nothing to lose by saying that Glenn should give Raon a silver tablet instead of a golden tablet, yet they remained silent and even kept the other direct lines quiet.

You should know better than me, but they would never do that.

Having the direct lines influence reduced was the thing they hated the most, and that was why they shouldve tried to stop what happened. Considering the fact that they remained silent, they mustve been plotting something.

Which means hes probably going to contact me.

Judiels eyes became serious as she thought about what would happen afterward.

Yes. Hes going to order you to gather the recent information about me.

What kind of martial art hed recently learned, what realm he was in, how he liked to attack. He would obviously want detailed information like that.

In that case, Ill get some fake information prepared.

Judiel gathered her hands, saying that she would add 30% of truth and 70% of fake information to deceive them.

Please do so.

Raon nodded in satisfaction and raised his gaze.

Ah, did you hear about the Five Divine Orders by any chance?

So you knew about them.

Judiels eyes were telling him that she found it unexpected that he knew.

No, I didnt know about them, but the head of house told us.

The Five Divine Orders are five groups that are recently prevailing in the continent.

Judiel nodded and slightly raised her eyes.

Do you remember the pirate king that I spoke about before you left for Arianne?

Pirate king

Of course he remembered. Because they were calling themselves a king despite being a pirate.

Are you saying this because he is one of the leaders of the Five Divine Orders?

Yes. The Pirate King, the Queen of Swords, the Demonblade, the Demon Slaying Spear, and the Thespian Emperor. Those five have created those natural factions that dont belong to the Six Kings or the Five Demons. All of them are extremely powerful, and their subordinates are as numerous and powerful as the Six Kings and the Five Demons. Thats why the entire continent is making a fuss about them.

Judiel pursed her lips tightly, saying that the Five Divine Orders mustve prepared for a long time in the shadows.

Even the Six Kings and the Five Demons wont be able to rashly make a move against them.

Indeed. They are also dominating an area at the border between the Six Kings and the Five Demons. It should be difficult for either of them to make a move against them.

I guess so. It would be a catastrophe if the Five Demons attacked in the middle of a war against the Five Divine Orders.

Even the Six Kings would need a large number of troops to fight people with such powerful nicknames. That was why the possibility of interference from the Five Demons would prevent them from making any move.

You are as quick to understand as always.

Judiels eyes widened as she said that she found it amazing how he immediately understood their movements and intentions after he heard about the Five Divine Orders for the first time.

Because its not that hard. Anyway, the continents situation will become more complicated.

Raon closed his eyes while memorizing the names of the Five Divine Orders leaders.

He said it was a turbulent period That might be the correct description.

He had the feeling that a turbulent period was about to arrive, just as Glenn said.


Raon sighed quietly and clenched his fist.

I want you to investigate a certain person.

Im listening.

Judiel nodded, showing that she was ready.

The Twin-Headed Demon from Eden. Please investigate everything about his past and his recent actions. You can even use the Black Markets information.

Whats up with the Twin-Headed Demon?

I have something I need to do.

Raon closed his eyes before opening them again. The aura radiating from his eyes looked like a raging fire.

I dont even know the faces of my father and my older sister, but I shall avenge them.

* * *

* * *

Glenn beat Rimmer up to the brink of death before returning to the audience chamber and sitting on his throne.


He frowned quietly while looking at the destroyed armrest of the throne.


Roenn casually laughed while looking at the furrow created on Glenns brow.

You seemed to have lots of worries.

Im not worried about anything.

Glenn snorted as if it wasnt a big deal, but he lowered his gaze towards Roenn soon enough, showing that he had a lot in his mind.

What did you think about the man called the Sword Demon?

I couldnt feel any malice from him towards Zieghart, and his personality seemed even more remarkable than the rumors.

Roenn smiled faintly while thinking about the Sword Demon hed seen for the first time.

I see

Glenn nodded without denying it, probably because he had the same impression.

He seemed to have gotten close to the Light Wind division while teaching them swordsmanship, and he seemed especially close to the young master Raon.

Roenn casually spoke without putting much thought into it, and Glenn unconsciously clenched his left hand.


The left armrest, which had barely survived, crumbled into pieces.


Roenn smiled faintly while murmuring that he needed to repair it again.

Th-they looked close, you say?

Glenn didnt even pay attention to the destroyed armrest and bit his lip tightly while looking out the window.

And they should actually be close. They mustve spent a lot of time together during swordsmanship lessons.

Roenn spouted another line that would irritate Glenn, pretending he wasnt aware of Glenns expression.

I can understand why the Light Wind division leader said that he looked like a real grandfather.


Glenn furrowed his brow and briskly stood up.

You cant become a grandfather that easily! Blood! He needs to be connected by blood to call himself a real grandfather!

He clenched his teeth, saying that he couldnt overcome the hurdle of bloodline no matter how much time he spent with him and how close hes gotten.

What are you even saying?

Rimmer raised his trembling head from the corner, his body scorched black.

N-no one is going to help you if you end up losing your grandson to him while saying that.

He poked his tongue out to make fun of Glenn while looking up at the throne.

Youll stay in a cave forever and die from old age before you can have a drink with Raon. How dare you

Veins violently bulged on Glenns forehead. He snapped his fingers and lightning rained down from the air, striking Rimmers head.


Rimmer collapsed while screaming like a dying pig. Black smoke was rising from his head.


Glenn scowled while looking at the collapsed Rimmer, who was foaming at the mouth.

Its frustrating to admit, its really frustrating, but He isnt wrong.

There were countless cases where people didnt get along with their family and other relationships became more important.

Just as Rimmer and Roenn had said, nothing was stopping Raon and the Sword Demon from getting as close as a grandfather and a grandson. That was why he felt even more frustrated.

The only relief I have isthe fact that I didnt give Raon the other reward yet.

He was originally planning to give Raon a book of martial arts just like the other Light Wind divisions swordsmen, but he changed his mind upon seeing the Sword Demons eyes and decided to personally teach him.

This is the only way, after all.

Just like how the Sword Demon got close to Raon while helping him with sword training, he also had to get closer to his grandson the same way.

Roenn, Ill go to the fifth training ground at daybreak tomorrow.

Glenn told Roenn to cancel his schedule the next day and sat on the throne.

Ill personally teach you.

Since Raon contributed the most in saving House Arianne and defeating the Specter, it wasnt strange at all even if he taught him the martial art personally.

Just you wait. Ill teach you better than some Sword Demon.

Glenn resolved himself while destroying the remaining right armrest, and Rimmer blinked his eyes with black smoke emerging from his mouth.

Why did you even attack me?


* * *

The next day at daybreak, Raon passed through the dark garden of the annex building and went to the fifth training ground. The cold air flowed into his lungs, easing the drowsiness of daybreak.


Wrath scowled while climbing on the bracelet.

Are you really doing daybreak training again as soon as you return? You are seriously so persistent.

You should be used to it by now.

He bets you dont feel sleepy, but the King of Essence does! Why wont you ever rest?!

He screamed, asking why he wasnt changing even though hed gained more points of sloth.

Ive changed. Its not as easy as before to wake up from sleep because of sloth.

The laziness inside him had increased after he gained more sloth. He clearly wanted to keep sleeping a lot more than before.

Well, its not that hard to overcome, at least.

Since he had the memories of his previous life where hed been an assassin his entire life, he could easily overcome the sloth he had without even using the Ring of Fire.

Hes getting seriously sick of this. Both you and that training ground!

Wrath returned to the bracelet, saying that he was going to sleep a bit longer.

It feels nostalgic for me though.

Raon chuckled and stepped on the fine sand of the empty training ground.

The training ground was neatly cleaned up even though no one had used it for a while. The Gambling Monster mustve been taking care of it while the Light Wind division was gone.

He always does everything he can for us despite saying that he cant be bothered.

He started to warm himself up while thinking that he was such a nice general administrator.

Lets get started.

Starting with basic swordsmanshipinvolving horizontal slash, vertical slash, diagonal slash, and stephe also practiced the Fangs of Insanity and Blizzard SwordArt that had improved thanks to the Sword Demons advice before lowering Heavenly Drive.

The mist was gone before he knew it because he was too focused on his swings and dim sunlight was shining down on him.

I feel so much at ease in this place.

Probably because hed been training there ever since childhood, it felt a lot better than practicing swordsmanship outside. Even his swings felt more energetic.

Now, lets practice the parts I need to improve

Raon incorporated the principles of severing sword, which he hadnt mastered yet, inside the Fangs of Insanitys technique.

It looked flashy and systematic on the outside, but it wasnt connecting naturally at all, unlike the previous swings.

I have a long way to go.

He laughed bitterly and was about to practice the Fangs of Insanity once again.


Along with a powerful gust of wind, he could hear the sound of clothes brushing past the training grounds walls from the left and right.

You arent supposed to use a sword like that

A sword shouldnt be used like that

The two people jumped over the walls and came to a halt while saying a similar line.



Glenn and Rector were there. They furrowed their brows while looking at each other.


Raons jaw dropped as he looked at Glenn and Rector, who were glaring at each other from the edges of the training ground.

What are they doing now?

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